Are Debenhams Beauty card still valid?

Are Debenhams Beauty card still valid?

Beauty Club points can continue to be redeemed beyond this date, Debenhams has confirmed. It said: “We will only be accepting gift Debenhams gift cards and e-gift cards in store and online until midnight Sunday 20 December 2020. Debenhams has already cut 6,500 jobs since May, but it still has around 12,000 employees.

Can you use your Debenhams Beauty Card points online?

Vouchers are issued when you have earned at least 200 points (£2) and for every additional 100 points (£1) thereafter. Reward Vouchers may only be redeemed at participating Debenhams stores, and cannot be redeemed online at, and must be handed over at the point of sale.

Can I still use my Debenhams Beauty points?

In Tier 1, as an Enthusiast, you will receive 500 points when you sign up, 3 points for every £1 you spend in Beauty, exclusive gifts and treats, sale previews and a 10% birthday discount around your birthday.

How do I check the balance on my Debenhams Beauty Card?

You can check the balance in-store, online at or by calling 0844 800 9091.

Can I still use my Debenhams gold card?

If you have a Debenhams Credit Card you can still use it wherever you see the Mastercard logo. Points, however, can no longer be earned on new purchases.

Why is my Debenhams card not working?

If your credit or debit card was declined, check to see if your card is expired, out of date or your card billing address is different to the billing address on your Debenhams account. If the above doesn’t help, your Credit Card Company or bank will have more information.

Do Debenhams vouchers expire?

Department store Debenhams has confirmed that its gift cards will expire days before Christmas, potentially leaving shoppers out of pocket. The chain entered administration at the start of the month and is now preparing to close all stores for good.

How do I pay my Debenhams account?

We accept the following payment cards: Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, Maestro, Electron, American Express, Klarna.

  1. Please note: All payments must be made online when placing your order.
  2. Shop now and pay later in three equal payments that let you spread the cost of your purchase, with no added charges.

Is Debenhams credit card still valid 2021?

Debenhams credit cards should still work In December 2020, Debenhams told us its one credit card would continue to work for now and that users could continue to manage their account, view transactions and make payments through the Debenhams card app, its online account manager, and through the automated phone service.

Is Debenhams still trading online 2021?

The Debenhams brand will continue to trade online after it was bought by the fashion retailer Boohoo for £55m in January.

Can I still use Debenhams vouchers?

Debenhams continued to accept gift cards in December 2020 when the closing-down sale began, but later in the month it stopped accepting them online and in stores.

Can I use Debenhams vouchers anywhere else?

You can spend your gift cards online, or in-store, but they cannot be exchanged for cash or a voucher. In their update, the company said: “We will only be accepting Debenhams gift cards and e-gift cards in store and online until midnight Sunday December 20 2020.

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