What can I use chicken stock for?

What can I use chicken stock for?

5 Ways to Use Chicken Stock

  1. Soup’s on. Of course, the most obvious way to use stock is by making a soup.
  2. Prepare a stew. If you prefer something more substantial than soup, you can make chicken stock part of a warm, satisfying stew.
  3. Cook rice.
  4. Braise meat.
  5. Mix an easy pan sauce.

What are the five basic sauces?

Sauces were often used to cover up the flavor of less-than-perfect meats, poultry and seafood. The five mother sauces include béchamel sauce, veloute sauce, brown or Espagnole sauce, Hollandaise sauce and tomato sauce.

Can you make a roux with broth?

Add broth or stock (such as chicken broth or turkey stock) to the roux, and you have perfect, lump-free gravy. The “take-away-point” here is a one-to-one mixture of lipid and flour, thoroughly combined and lightly cooked is a roux. Add some liquid, and you have a sauce. Easy-peasy.

Can I use chicken broth in a recipe that calls for chicken stock?

Can you Substitute Broth and Stock? Yes, broth and stock are interchangeable in most recipes. Because stock is made from the bones and cartilage, it contains more collagen which results in a slightly richer texture than broth.

Can you cook pasta in chicken stock?

Cooking noodles in broth is as simple as it sounds: Just bring salted chicken broth to a boil—enough to cover the pasta (it doesn’t have to be a ton)—and toss in short, stout noodles. When the pasta is nearly done, add cooked vegetables or those that cook quickly, such as peas or finely chopped kale.

Can you put a stock cube in pasta?

Cooking pasta in stock is a fabulous alternative to using your stock for soup. The pasta absorbs the flavors from the stock and leaches out starch, which thickens the stock to create a savory sauce. You can cook the pasta up saucy and soupy with more stock, or tight and dry with less stock.

Which two mother sauces do not use roux?

5. Hollandaise. This is the one mother sauce not thickened by a roux. Instead, it’s thickened by an emulsion of egg yolk and melted butter, which means it’s a stable mixture of two things that usually normally can’t blend together.

What are the 7 mother sauces?


  • Béchamel. Also known as white sauce, béchamel consists of milk thickened with equal parts of flour and butter.
  • Mayonnaise Sauce. Mayonnaise consists of oil, egg yolk, and vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Velouté
  • Espagnole.
  • Demi-Glace.
  • Tomato.
  • Hollandaise.

What is the purpose of making a roux?

A roux, from the French word for “red,” is a mixture of roughly equal volumes of a starch and a liquid fat that are cooked together and then used as a thickener for liquids in soups, stews, and sauces.

What is roux sauce?

What Is a Roux? A roux is a cooked mixture of equal parts flour and fat. When flour is cooked in fat, the fat coats the flour’s starch granules. This helps keep lumps from forming when the roux is combined with liquid such as milk or stock, yielding a silky-smooth, uniform sauce.

What’s better chicken stock or broth?

A: Chicken stock tends to be made more from bony parts, whereas chicken broth is made more out of meat. Chicken stock tends to have a fuller mouth feel and richer flavor, due to the gelatin released by long-simmering bones. Canned low-sodium chicken broth is the busy home-cook’s best friend.

Is chicken stock the same as chicken broth?

Though their ingredients are largely the same, there is a difference between them. Stock is made from bones, while broth is made mostly from meat or vegetables. Using bones in stock creates a thicker liquid, while broth tends to be thinner and more flavorful.

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