How do you call a ref cursor in Oracle?

How do you call a ref cursor in Oracle?

6 Answers. create or replace procedure my_proc( p_rc OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) as begin open p_rc for select 1 col1 from dual; end; / variable rc refcursor; exec my_proc( :rc ); print rc; will work in SQL*Plus or SQL Developer.

What is ref cursor in Oracle with example?

A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query work area on the database. In essence, a REF CURSOR is a pointer or a handle to a result set on the database. REF CURSOR s are represented through the OracleRefCursor ODP.NET class.

Can we use cursor in stored procedure in Oracle?

You would have to declare the Cursor before BEGIN. You would use no INTO clause in the cursor declaration. Then you would have to OPEN the cursor. Then you would FETCH INTO my_ename, my_salary , not one after the other (you fetch rows, not columns).

What is the difference between cursor and ref cursor in Oracle?

A cursor is really any SQL statement that runs DML (select, insert, update, delete) on your database. A ref cursor is a pointer to a result set. This is normally used to open a query on the database server, then leave it up to the client to fetch the result it needs.

What is cursor in SQL with example?

A SQL cursor is a database object that retrieves data from result sets one row at a time. The cursor in SQL can be used when the data needs to be updated row by row. A SQL cursor is a database object that is used to retrieve data from a result set one row at a time. Cursor life cycle.

Can we call cursor in stored procedure?

They allow you to use only one query to accomplish a task that would otherwise require several queries. However, all cursor operations must execute within a single procedure. A stored procedure cannot open, fetch, or close a cursor that was not declared in the procedure.

What is the advantage of ref cursor in Oracle?

A ref cursor is a variable, defined as a cursor type, which will point to, or reference a cursor result. The advantage that a ref cursor has over a plain cursor is that is can be passed as a variable to a procedure or a function. The ref cursor can be assigned to other ref cursor variables.

How do you execute Oracle procedure?

Follow these steps to execute a procedure in Toad for Oracle. Open the Toad for Oracle. Connect to the Database. Click on the menu Database > Schema Browser. In the Schema Browser, click on the Procedures Tab or drop-down menu. List of Procedures will be displayed. Then select the Procedure you want to execute and do the right click on it.

What is a PL SQL cursor?

A cursor is a pointer to this context area. PL/SQL controls the context area through a cursor. A cursor holds the rows (one or more) returned by a SQL statement. The set of rows the cursor holds is referred to as the active set.

What is Oracle SQL cursor?

The Cursor is a handle (name or a pointer) for the memory associated with a specific statement. A cursor is basically an Area alocated by Oracle for executing the Sql Statements. Oracle Uses an Implicit Cursor statement for a single row query and Explicit Cursor for a multi row query.

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