What are Thera wormholes?

What are Thera wormholes?

Thera (Dotlan) is a wormhole solar system in Shattered Wormhole Space. It has features making it different from any other system in New Eden or Wormhole Space (Anoikis). Thera is receiving some focus for new in-game lore connected to the Sleeper’s mysterious past.

What is Thera space?

Thera is a gigantic shattered wormhole system that contains four NPC stations and a large number of wormhole connections. The four stations in Thera will each have a full set of services, including cloning, office slots, and manufacturing.

How do you get Thera in EVE?

Public EVE-Scout Thera Bookmarks

  1. Join the “EVE-Scout” in-game channel.
  2. Click on the “EVE-Scout \\ Thera” link in the channel MOTD.
  3. Click the “Connect” button in the “Connect to Folder” window.
  4. Bookmarks will now be listed under “EVE-Scout \\ Thera” when you right-click in space.

What is Eve-scout?

EVE-Scout is on a mission to make the universe a better place. For how often it happens, there’s no greater shame in EVE Online than getting stranded in ‘J-space. These wormholes to J-space randomly appear all across New Eden, and you never really know what’s on the other side until you stick your head in.

Can you jump clone to Thera?

You cannot JUMP to a jump clone in thera. Once you jump out of the clone, you must destroy it in order to recover the clone (basically, once you jump out, its gone unless you destroy it).

What is a rescue cache?

What is a rescue cache? A rescue cache is a small secure container that contains one (1) core probe launcher and eight (8) core scanner probes (and, usually, a few “hugs” [fireworks, snowballs] or other trinkets for fun) which is anchored somewhere in a wormhole.

How many jump clones Eve?

You only have one medical clone, but in addition to your medical clone, and depending on your skills, you may have up to ten jump clones. These will be located in places that you choose, and you can activate them whenever you wish.

How do you use Clone Vat Bay?


  1. 1.1 Undock Rorqual from station.
  2. 1.2 Activate clone vat bay module.
  3. 1.3 Have the customer in space within 3 km of the Rorqual.
  4. 1.4 Right-click the Rorq’s capacitor or the Rorq model itself and select “Configure Ship”
  5. 1.5 Wait for customer to accept the invitation to install a clone.
  6. 1.6 Activating the clone.

What is in an eve Scout rescue cache?

A rescue cache is a small secure container that contains one (1) core probe launcher and eight (8) core scanner probes (and, usually, a few “hugs” [fireworks, snowballs] or other trinkets for fun) which is anchored somewhere in a wormhole.

How does the Phoenix Thera lase system work?

The Phoenix Thera-Lase System is a non-invasive, drug free laser therapy treatment which provides relief and healing for both chronic and acute pain, accelerates wound healing and reduces inflammation related to soft tissue injuries.

Is Thera a solar system or a wormhole?

Thera (Dotlan) is a wormhole solar system in Shattered Wormhole Space. It has features making it different from any other system in New Eden or Wormhole Space (Anoikis).

What kind of solar system is Thera in Eve?

Thera (Dotlan) is a wormhole solar system in Shattered Wormhole Space. It has features making it different from any other system in New Eden or Wormhole Space (Anoikis). Thera is receiving some focus for new in-game lore connected to the Sleeper ‘s mysterious past.

Can You Set Your clone to any station in Thera?

Like all other W-Space systems, Thera has -1.0 system security. You can set your medical clone to any station in Thera (provided you’re docked there). Be mindful that while the Local chat channel in Thera is regularly chatty (unlike the rest of W-Space), not every person present in the system will appear there.

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