How big is a Platecarpus?

How big is a Platecarpus?

24 feet
Platecarpus was a medium-sized mosasaur with long, narrow jaws lined with sharp, pointy teeth. This marine lizard grew to 24 feet (7 meters) in length and roamed the shallow seas of the Late Cretaceous in search of small fish and squid.

What did Platecarpus eat?

A well-preserved specimen of Platecarpus shows that it fed on moderate-sized fish, and it has been hypothesized to have fed on squid, and ammonites as well. Like other mosasaurs, it was initially thought to have swum in an eel-like fashion, although another study suggests that it swam more like modern sharks.

Where did Platecarpus live?

Platecarpus was a mosasaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period in. It lived in the seas of North America, Europe, and Africa. It grew up to 4 meters in length, with half of that length taken up by its tail.

Did mosasaurs have tail flukes?

Furthermore, based on comparisons with the skeletal and fin structures of modern sharks, Lindgren et al. hypothesized that mosasaurs, in fact, not only had a downturned tail forming a ventral fin lobe but also possessed a fleshy dorsal fin lobe, together forming an asymmetric hypocercal tail fluke.

Did Mosasaurus eat sharks?

Mosasaurus is a genus of large aquatic carnivorous lizard from the Late Cretaceous about 70-66 million years ago. It fed on such prey as seabirds, sharks, large fish, plesiosaurs and even other mosasaurs.

Do mosasaurs still exist?

The mosasaurs ruled the ocean in the late Cretaceous period. Mosasaurs went extinct 65.5 million years ago in the same mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs, Live Science previously reported.

What is the crocodile dinosaur in Jurassic world?

Deinosuchus was a giant relative of the alligator that lived in North America during the Cretaceous period and probably hunted hadrosaurs.

How did mosasaurs breathe?

They Breathed Air: Although mosasaurs were aquatic, they were reptiles, which means they had to surface to breathe air, like a sea turtle today.

How big was the Platecarpus in Jurassic Park?

Platecarpus was a mosasaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period in. It lived in the seas of North America, Europe, and Africa. It grew up to 4 meters in length, with half of that length taken up by its tail.

How is the Platecarpus related to the Igdamanosaurus?

Platecarpus is a Plioplatecarpinae Mosasaurid from late Cretaceous USA and Belgium. It was closely related to Plioplatecarpus and Igdamanosaurus . Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

How big was the tail of a Platecarpus?

Platecarpus had a long, down-turned tail with a large dorsal lobe on it, steering flippers, and jaws lined with conical teeth. It grew up to 4.3 m (14 ft) long, with half of that length taken up by its tail. The platecarpine mosasaurs had evolved into the very specialized plioplatecarpine group by the end of the Cretaceous.

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