How do you increase black pepper production?

How do you increase black pepper production?

Black pepper plants should be planted @ a distance of 3 to 4 m. Pits with size of 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m should be dug @ a distance of 25 to 30 cm away from support (standard). Just before monsoon starts, 2 to 3 rooted tree cuttings should be planted in the pits made in soil.

What is the yield of black pepper per acre?

The yield per acre of black pepper is 0.39 tonnes per hectare. As pepper is a climbing vine, the farmers grow them under the arecanut, coconut and other trees.

How do you irrigate black pepper?

Irrigating Black Pepper vines during summer (March 15th till Monsoon arrives) at fortnightly interval enhances productivity by 90 to 100% compared to unirrigated crop. Vines are irrigated at the basin through hose and 50 litres per vine is recommended (15 years and above).

Is black pepper profitable?

Hence the profit is Rs. 1,65,000 per 1 acre in 8 years. Note: The cultivation income of Black pepper and profit may vary based on the yield and variety chosen which are also resistant to a few diseases and pests that minimize the plant protection costs. The yield also increases in a few varieties.

How many pepper plants can fit on an acre?

Growers generally plant approximately 10,000 to 14,000 plants per acre in double rows spaced 14 to 18 inches apart on plastic mulched beds with 16 to 24 inches between plants in the row and with the beds spaced 5 to 6.5 feet apart from their centers.

Can black pepper grow in shade?

Black pepper can be grown in a wide range of soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, though in its natural habitat it thrives well in red laterite soils. hills at an elevation of 800-1500 m above sea level, where the crop is mostly grown on shade trees in coffee, cardamom and tea plantations.

How many peppers do you get per plant?

On average, the bell pepper yield per plant is five to 10 peppers; however, some varieties will produce a few more or less.

Can black pepper be grown in Polyhouse?

Around 8-10 black pepper plants can e wrapped around each vertical column. It is better to place these columns in poly houses if the site taken is of heavy rainfall.

What are the maturity indices of black pepper?

The crop takes about 6-8 months from flowering to harvesting. January to March in hills. It is important to harvest pepper at the proper stage of maturity in order to achieve a dried product of good colour and appearance. Harvest starts when one or two berries turn yellow.

Who is the largest producer of black pepper?

In 2019, Ethiopia was the world’s largest producer and exporter of black peppercorns, producing 374,413 tonnes or 34% of the world total (table). Other major producers were Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, India, China, and Malaysia.

How profitable is pepper farming?

Pepper is a vegetable eaten by almost everybody in the world. Pepper farming is one of the most profitable businesses in Nigeria and other countries of the world. Just like tomato farming and cucumber farming, pepper farming can be very lucrative.

Can you make money selling peppers?

You will have a product that not every local nursery or farmer’s market will carry. Hot Pepper seedlings sell for anywhere from $5-15, depending on your geography. The individual peppers can sell from $3-7 each, and each plant can yield 50-100 pods depending on the type.

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