What is the location of the temperate rainforest?

What is the location of the temperate rainforest?

The main areas of its occurrence are in South America; eastern Australia; southern China, Korea, and Japan; small areas of southeastern North America and southern Africa; and all of New Zealand. Gerald Cubitt/Bruce Coleman Ltd. Temperate rainforest in Olympic National Park, Washington, U.S.

What is the altitude of the temperate rainforest?

The elevation of the temperate rainforest ranges form sea level to 750 m. The latitude of temperate rainforest is in north, lies between Cancer Tropic 23.5°N and Arctic Circle 66.5°N, and in south, between Capricorn Tropic 23.5°S and Antarctic Circle 66.5°S.

What is the topography of the temperate rainforest?

Topography- A temperate forest is hilly, sometimes flat area that has many trees, shrubs, mosses, herbs, and ferns. Leaves, twigs, and many plants cover the ground.

What is the latitude of the Amazon rainforest?

3.4653° S, 62.2159° W
Amazon Rainforest/Coordinates

What is the climate in a temperate rainforest?

Temperate rainforests are characterized by mild climates or temperatures. Throughout the long wet season, the temperature hardly falls below freezing point, which is 0°C and 32°F. Throughout the short, dry and foggy season, the temperature hardly exceeds 27°C or 80°F.

What latitude zone is taiga found in?

The taiga is found throughout the high northern latitudes, between the tundra and the temperate forest, from about 50°N to 70°N, but with considerable regional variation.
Biome Terrestrial subarctic, humid

What is the topography of temperate deciduous forest?

What latitude is Brazil?

14.2350° S, 51.9253° W

What is the latitude and longitude of South America?

8.7832° S, 55.4915° W
South America/Coordinates

What seasons do temperate rainforests have?

Temperate rainforests are a lot cooler than tropical rainforests, but the temperatures are still mild. They often have two distinct seasons: one long wet winter, and a short drier summer.

What is tundra and taiga?

The most striking visual difference between taiga and tundra is the presence of trees. The taiga has a thick forest of conifers such as pine and spruce, while in the tundra trees are absent completely. This is due in part to the lack of water available in the tundra, but also is a result of permafrost.

Why are tundra and taiga found only in the northern hemisphere?

Taiga climate is only found in the northern hemisphere, because there isn’t enough land mass in the southern hemisphere to create a taiga climate there.

Where is the temperate rainforest in North America?

This biome is located along the North West coast of North America running from southern Alaska to northern California, also along the southern coast of Chile, New Zealand and southern tip of Australia. This biome is located from 38-56 degrees south latitude and 38-61 degrees north latitude.

What is the average tempature of a temperate rainforest?

The average tempature is 5-25 degrees celsius. The tempature is mainly influenced by the ocean, also ocean fogs add a lot of moisture to the air. Temperate rainforests cover about 75 million acres across the earth, 66% of temperate rainforests are in the Pacific North West along British Colubian and Oregon coast.

What kind of vegetation does a temperate forest have?

See Article History Temperate forest, vegetation type with a more or less continuous canopy of broad-leaved trees. Such forests occur between approximately 25° and 50° latitude in both hemispheres.

Which is the largest rain forest in the world?

Covering an area less than half the size of the North American Pacific coast rainforests, the largest expanse is the Valdivian rainforest, the norrthernmost (37°45′ S─43° 20′ S) of three rainforests and the most species-rich. It abuts the Northern Patagonian rainforest (43° 20′ S─47° 30′ S).

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