What is venham picture test?
In the present cross-sectional study, Venham Picture, a psychometric test, was used to estimate the prevalence of dental anxiety among children in the age group 6-10 years, with and without previous dental experience.
What is a venham score?
Figure 2: Venham’s rating of clinical anxiety consists of six divisions (0-5). This. objective measure scores the child’s level of anxiety with a correlating behavior. description. A score of 0 indicates no anxiety while a score of 5 represents the highest anxiety.
How big was the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test?
The Stanford-Binet Test of 1916 was standardized on a sample of 1,000 children of whom 905 were between five and fourteen years of age. It includes 90 test items. The test has two forms and was standardized on 3,000 children in eleven states of U.S.A. On the basis of size, the intelligence tests can be classified under two heads such as:
Which is the best Test to measure intelligence?
In case of illiterates, children and persons having language deficiency the performance test is best suited and most appropriate test to measure their intelligence than language tests. The group-verbal tests on intelligence are administered to a large number of subjects at a time who can read and write the language of the test.
Which is an olden form of intelligence testing?
In ancient literature the dialogue between Indra and Brahaspati and in Mahabharat between Yudhishthir and Yaksh is an olden form of intelligence testing. (Intelligence testing on the basis of physical structure). In the year 1475-78, a book of Physiognomy was published.
Are there any psychologists who accept the theory of intelligence?
The psychologists of today do not accept all these theories. (Testing of intelligence by accepting it as a natural and innate power). Binet, in collaboration with Simon, undertook the task of devising test which could help the detention of mentally deficient children.