How big do Espei rasboras get?

How big do Espei rasboras get?

1 – 1.5 inches
Average adult size: 1 – 1.5 inches (2.5 – 3.8 cm)

How many Espei rasboras are there?

It’s a schooling species by nature and really should be kept in a group of at least 8-10 specimens. Maintaining it in decent numbers will not only make the fish less nervous but will result in a more effective, natural-looking display.

How many rasboras should be kept together?

Rasboras are happiest in a well planted aquarium and they do best in groups of 7 or more. They will be less stressed and show their best colors in a well-decorated aquarium with dark substrate.

Are rasboras aggressive fish?

Rasboras are a schooling species of fish and should be kept in large shoals of 10 or more. Rasboras are also an extremely peaceful species and make excellent tank mates for other small, non aggressive types of aquarium fish.

Are Rasboras easy to care for?

Harlequin Rasboras are a great example of an easy shoaling fish to add to your tank. This captivating small fish has very few specific care needs and they aren’t very demanding. They’re easy to care for, and as long as they’re fed a simple diet, and their tank is kept clean, they’ll thrive.

Can you mix Rasboras?

Yes, different Rasboras will typically school together. Although different kinds of Rasboras may restrict schooling to other members of their specific species, most Rasboras will typically school together if kept in the same tank.

How long do Espei rasbora live?

The Espe’s Rasbora is a small slender fish, reaching a total length of just over 1 inch (3 cm). They have a typical lifespan of 3 to 5 years with good care. Their primary color is copper-orange with a pinkish blush, and the body color appears to be increasingly reflective approaching the lateral line.

Do Rasboras lay eggs?

A healthy pair will have deposited 25 to 100 eggs. Rasboras are not avid egg eaters, but they will eat some of the eggs occasionally. Therefore, it’s a good idea to remove the parents as soon as breeding has concluded. The fry hatch in about 24 hours and are free-swimming on the third day.

Do Rasboras like current?

Yeah! My Rasboras love to swim into in current that comes from my filter.

Are Rasboras fin nippers?

Rasboras are incredibly quick swimmers whereas bettas are slow. However, on the other hand, while it is uncommon some Harlequin Rasboras could try and nip your bettas fins.

Are Scissor Tail rasbora aggressive?

Temperament / Behavior : This rasbora is very peaceful and should do well in a community type setting.

Do rasboras need plants?

Is the Harlequin Rasbora Suitable for Your Aquarium? These fish are peaceful tank mates, so they do well in most tanks. A small arrangement of plants is all you need to keep these fish happy.

Where do Espe’s Rasbora fish come from?

This fish is native to Cambodia, and Thailand. A schooling species which most commonly inhabits soft, acidic bodies of water with lush plant growth, including pools, ponds, marshes and swamps. In the Mekong River of Cambodia these fish are caught for the aquarium trade by local fisheries using seines and traps.

Where can you find Espe’s rasbora Trigonostigma espei?

The Espe’s Rasbora Trigonostigma espei (previously Rasbora espei) was described by Meinken in 1967. It is found in Southeast Asia throughout the eastern slopes of the Gulf of Thailand in the countries of Cambodia and Thailand, and a recent population was also found on the Island Phu Quoc of Vietnam.

What’s the life expectancy of an Espe Rasbora?

Lifespan: 3 years – They have an average lifespan of about 3 to 5 years with proper care. The Espe’s Rasbora is very hardy and makes a great fish for beginners. They are usually not very picky eaters and will thrive on quality flake foods.

Is the ESPE Rasbora a false Harlequin fish?

The name ‘Espe’s Rasbora’ is also often mis-applied to the Hengel’s Rasbora, and both fish are frequently sold under the name of ‘False Harlequin’ as well. Espe’s Rasbora can be distinquished from its conspecifics through close attention to some subtle differences.

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