How many months is 26 weeks and 4 days pregnant?
At 26 weeks, you’re in the sixth month of your pregnancy – 6 months, 2 weeks, to be exact. With 14 weeks to go till your due date, you’re still in the second trimester, but by the end of week 27 you’ll be heading into the third trimester and your final stretch of pregnancy.
How much should a baby weigh at 26 weeks 4 days?
At 26 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a head of kale. Your 26-week fetus measures about 14 inches and weighs about 1.7 pounds. They’re developing senses, features and even talents.
How many months is 26 weeks 5 days pregnant?
26 weeks along is about 6 months pregnant.
What position does the baby lay at 26 weeks?
At 26 weeks, your baby usually begins to find a position for birth, usually turning so that the head faces down. It’s also not strange at this stage for the baby to lie horizontally across your belly in a transverse lie.
Why is my bump so small at 26 weeks?
It could be that there isn’t much fluid around your baby. This may make your bump appear smaller, even if your baby is the right size. The position your baby’s lying in, and your own height, shape and tummy muscles can all affect the measurement too. Babies also grow at slightly different rates.
What should I be doing at 26 weeks pregnant?
At 26 weeks pregnant, your baby’s eyes have fully developed, and they’re even sporting newly visible eyebrows and eyelashes to accompany them. Meanwhile, your body may be showing more evidence of all that growth and development in the form of stretching skin and possibly some new stretch marks.
Why is my stomach so hard at 26 weeks pregnant?
If you’re in your second or third trimester of pregnancy and you notice that sometimes your pregnant belly gets very hard, feels tight, and even causes mild discomfort, you’re probably experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions.