What was the price of petrol in 2007?

What was the price of petrol in 2007?

Historical Petrol Price per litre in India

Date Delhi Mumbai
29-01-2009 40.62 44.55
24-05-2008 45.56 50.54
16-05-2007 42.85 48.38
10-06-2006 47.51 53.5

How much is fuel in Perth?

Perth Gasoline prices, litre Gasoline prices per litre, octane-95: We show prices for Perth from 19-Jul-2021 to 25-Oct-2021. The average value for Perth during that period was 1.47 Australian Dollar with a minimum of 1.41 Australian Dollar on 26-Jul-2021 and a maximum of 1.62 Australian Dollar on 25-Oct-2021.

What was the price of fuel in 2000?

Petrol Prices

Petrol Prices 1983-2021
Year Price per Litre (p) Petrol Price in constant terms (1983=100)
1999 61.9 85.3
2000 76.9 103.3
2001 77.9 101.8

What day is fuel cheapest in Perth?

second Tuesday
Perth petrol price cycle On the last day of the 14 day cycle, prices are generally at or below wholesale prices – this occurs every second Tuesday and is generally the cheapest day of the cycle to purchase petrol.

What is today’s petrol price?

Today’s Petrol Price in Indian Metro Cities & State Capitals

City Today Price Yesterday’s Price
New Delhi ₹ 109.34 ₹ 108.99
Kolkata ₹ 109.79 ₹ 109.46
Mumbai ₹ 115.15 ₹ 114.81
Chennai ₹ 106.04 ₹ 105.74

What was the price of oil in 2009?

Average annual Brent crude oil price from 1976 to 2021 (in U.S. dollars per barrel)

Characteristic Average crude oil price in U.S. dollars per barrel
2011 111.26
2010 79.47
2009 61.51
2008 96.99

What is fuel price today?

Petrol now costs ₹109.69 a litre in Delhi and ₹115.50 in Mumbai. Diesel is now priced at ₹98.42 a litre in Delhi and ₹106.62 in Mumbai.

Is petrol price coming down?

Petroleum Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said that the government intends to lower the fuel prices, but since the states do not want to bring fuel under the ambit of the GST, hence petrol prices are not coming down.

What was fuel prices in 2009?

Supporting Information

Year Retail Gasoline Price (Current dollars/gallon) Retail Gasoline Price (Constant 2015 dollars/gallon)
2008 3.27 3.61
2009 2.35 2.58
2010 2.79 3.02
2011 3.53 3.75

What was the price of petrol in 2009?

Year/Month Indian Basket Crude Oil ($/bbl.) Petrol (`/Litre)
January, 2009 43.99 45.62
February, 2009 43.22 40.62
March, 2009 46.02 40.62

What is the best time to fill petrol?

Best time to fuel the car is early in the morning or later at night. 2. Fill fuel when half tank empty: One of the most important tips is to fill up when your petrol/ diesel tank is HALF FULL. There is a scientific reason to why you must do this.

Why are Perth fuel prices so high?

The short answer is that the price of crude oil – the major ingredient of petrol – is currently at multi-year highs. Crude oil is a finite resource and supply cannot keep up with the demand, meaning the cost of the resource itself is rising.

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