What anticoagulant is contraindicated with mechanical heart valve?

What anticoagulant is contraindicated with mechanical heart valve?

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs, also known as “non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants” or NOACs) are contraindicated in patients with mechanical valves.

Which type of valve replacement does not require lifetime anticoagulation?

Bioprosthetic valves do not require lifelong anticoagulation and thus are associated with fewer bleeding complications but they are less durable and associated with higher morbidity and mortality rates, particularly in younger patients.

Can you take apixaban with a mechanical heart valve?

Abstract. Warfarin is the only approved oral anticoagulant for long-term prophylaxis against valve thrombosis and thromboembolism in patients with mechanical heart valves. To date, apixaban for patients with double (aortic and mitral) mechanical heart valves has not been reported in the literature.

What blood thinner can you take with an artificial heart valve?

Although low-molecular-weight heparin can be used to achieve anticoagulation, the vitamin K antagonist, warfarin, is currently the only oral anticoagulant recommended for patients with aortic and mitral mechanical heart valves.

Why do patients with mechanical heart valves require anticoagulation?

Although mechanical heart valves (MHV) are more durable than tissue valves, they are more thrombogenic. Consequently, patients with MHV require long-term anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin.

When do you start anticoagulation after mitral valve replacement?

In order to prevent early thromboembolic complications after heart valve replacement, anticoagulation should be started within 24 h after the procedure using intravenous UFH or subcutaneous LMWH. Sufficient anticoagulation can be achieved with subcutaneous LMWH.

Do you have to take blood thinners after valve replacement?

When a heart valve is damaged, the valve can be replaced using a prosthetic. Heart valve prosthetics can either be mechanical (made of man-made materials) or biological (made of human or animal tissue). After surgery, patients are at risk of developing blood clots and need to take blood thinners.

What blood thinners can be used with an artificial heart valve?

Vitamin K antagonists are the only anticoagulants licensed for use in patients with mechanical heart valves. Among these, warfarin is most commonly prescribed.

Why is warfarin used after valve replacement?

Oral warfarin anticoagulation is a long-term treatment that is required after heart valve replacement. This treatment can prevent serious complications, such as embolism, thereby increasing patients’ postoperative survival rates and quality of life.

Why do you need anticoagulation after valve replacement?

Traditionally, the rationale for anticoagulation in the first few months after surgical valve replacement has been to mitigate against thrombotic complications, presumably related to suture material and a sewing ring that is not yet covered with biofilm and endothelialized.

Are there any anticoagulation strategies after valve replacement?

Selective Anticoagulation After Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement. Because bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement is much less common than aortic valve replacement, data are even more limited. However, in a single-center study of 216 patients with bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement, 10 (5%) had an ischemic stroke within 6 months.

What are the features of the Perimount Magna ease valve?

Ease of Implant. The PERIMOUNT Magna Ease valve offers many key design features that enhance the valveā€™s ease of implant. Demonstrated hemodynamic performance. Excellent EOAs and low gradients based on the proven PERIMOUNT valve design. 15

How long should a bioprosthetic valve be anticoagulated?

Finally, even though fewer data are available, patients with bioprosthetic mitral valves appear to be at higher risk for thrombotic complications, and routine anticoagulation for 3-6 months is recommended. Figure 3: Proposed Approach to Anticoagulation After Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement

Do you need warfarin for heart valve replacement?

All patients with a mechanical heart valve replacement need life-long anticoagulation with Warfarin. Some patients with bio-prosthetic heart valve replacements (or mitral valve repair) also may need anticoagulation.

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