Are non-compete agreements enforceable in New Mexico?

Are non-compete agreements enforceable in New Mexico?

Non-Compete Clauses can be Lawful and Enforceable in New Mexico. While some states simply do not allow non-compete clauses to be enforced, New Mexico does allow non-compete provisions to be enforced in many circumstances.

Do non-compete agreements hold up in court?

If the clause in question prevents competition, it’s unlikely to hold up in court. Courts are reluctant to enforce such provisions, and will only do so in exceptional circumstances. If, on the other hand, the clause only prevents solicitation, its enforceability is more likely – but by no means certain.

What is a reasonable radius for a non compete?

Most non-compete contracts prohibit competitive activity by the ex-employee within a certain number of miles of the employer’s business. The typical language prohibits competitive activity within a 15 to 25 mile radius of the employer’s business.

What makes a non-compete null and void?

Show Termination without Cause The courts do not always rule consistently on this point, but if you are part of a mass layoff or have been terminated from employment and yet did nothing wrong, any non-compete agreement you signed may be considered null and void.

Is a non-compete valid if fired?

When you sign a non-compete agreement, the enforceability of the document does not depend on why you leave a company. If you voluntarily leave or if you are fired, you still cannot go and work for a competitor, as a general rule. The employer still has trade secrets that he does not want to let go to a competitor.

How long is a non-compete valid?

A court can sever certain sections of a clause if it considers the clause (or parts of the clause) to be unreasonable. Therefore, many non-compete clauses are cascading. For example, the non-compete clause may apply for 12 months, or if 12 months is not reasonable, then six months.

Does non-compete hold up if fired?

How do non competes work?

A non-compete agreement legally binds a current or former employee from competing with an employer for some period of time after employment ceases. Under such an agreement, the employee must not reveal any trade secrets learned during employment.

What can make a non-compete invalid?

The reasonableness of a non-compete agreement is usually at the center of any court challenge that should arise. In fact, unreasonable terms are the most common reason for a non-compete agreement to be invalidated. Frequently, the terms of a non-compete agreement will be challenged based on being overly broad.

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