How do I add bootstrap to SharePoint 2013?

How do I add bootstrap to SharePoint 2013?

PFB the steps to integrate boostrap framework and customize look and feel fo the task list in SharePoint 2013 site,

  1. Download bootstrap framework.
  2. Upload required files to style library.
  3. Add js and CSS reference in master page.
  4. Create a XSL file to modify task list view.
  5. Apply custom XSL file to task list view webpart.

Can Bootstrap be used in SharePoint?

Create a custom User profile web part using SharePoint REST API and bootstrap. SharePoint employee of the month web part using client-side object model and bootstrap.

How do I use bootstrap in SharePoint framework?

  1. Step 1: Open Node.
  2. Step 2: Here I have created an SPFx client-side web part called BootstrapWithSPFX and I used the React as a framework.
  3. Step 3: Next I have created a list in SharePoint Online as same as the below screenshot.
  4. Step 4: Next expand the component folder and select BootstrapWithSpfx.

What is bootstrap in SharePoint?

BootStrap is the most popular HTML,CSS and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web and SharePoint Framework on the other hand is also introduced with the similar purpose of creating mobile first approach. In this article, it is explained on how we can Bootstrap with SPFx.

How do I add bootstrap to Spfx?


  1. Solution Name. Hit Enter for the default name (spfx-BootstrapCarousel in this case) or type in any other name for your solution.
  2. Target for the component.
  3. Place of files.
  4. Deployment option.
  5. Permissions to access web APIs.
  6. Type of client-side component to create.
  7. Web part name.
  8. Framework to use.

How do I add bootstrap to Spfx react?

How to add bootstrap to sharepoint spfx webpart?

  1. Add bootstrap, react-bootstrap and @types/bootstrap.
  2. Overwrite defaulf bootstrap variables with my scss file.
  3. Import scss file into my application.

How do I add bootstrap to SPFx?

How do I use Font Awesome SPFx?

SPFx – Adding Bootstrap & Font awesome 5

  1. Step :1.
  2. Step:2.
  3. Font awesome is not recognised by default by the webpack, so the gulp has to recognise the font format before it loads it to the solution.
  4. Now add the entry into the .tsx file to reference the bootstrap CSS & JS and the font awesome CSS.

How do I make a carousel in SPFx?

Implement Carousel in SPFx webpart using react-slick

  1. Open a command prompt . Create a new directory for SPFx solution using command:
  2. Navigate to the above created directory : cd reactCarousel-WP.
  3. Create a solution by running a Yeoman SharePoint Generator : yo @microsoft/sharepoint.
  4. When prompted:

What is SharePoint framework SPFx?

The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a page and web part model that provides full support for client-side SharePoint development, easy integration with SharePoint data, and extending Microsoft Teams.

How do I use bootstrap in Spfx react?

How do I use bootstrap in SPFx react?

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