What is the structure of 2 ethoxy 2 Methylpropane?

What is the structure of 2 ethoxy 2 Methylpropane?


Compound number: MolPort-003-925-278
IUPAC traditional: ethyl tert-butyl ether
Molecular formula: C6H14O

What is the structure of ethoxy propane?

Ethyl propyl ether/Formula

What is the structure of 2 Methylpropane to all?

Isobutane, also known as i-butane, 2-methylpropane or methylpropane, is a chemical compound with molecular formula HC(CH3)3. It is an isomer of butane. Isobutane is a colourless, odourless gas. It is the simplest alkane with a tertiary carbon atom.

What is the formula for ethoxy?


PubChem CID 69386
Structure Find Similar Structures
Molecular Formula C6H14O
Synonyms 1-Ethoxy-2-methylpropane 627-02-1 Ethyl isobutyl ether Isobutyl ethyl ether Ether, ethyl isobutyl More…
Molecular Weight 102.17

What will be the products formed if 2 ethoxy 2 Methylpropane is treated with 1 mol of hi?

methyl alcohol and sec-propy iodide.

What does ethoxy mean?

: relating to or containing the monovalent radical CH3CH2O− composed of ethyl united with oxygen.

What is the formula of 2 ethoxy propane?


Is Methylpropane and 2-methylpropane the same?

It is an isomer of butane. Isobutane is a colourless, odourless gas. It is the simplest alkane with a tertiary carbon atom….Isobutane.

Preferred IUPAC name 2-Methylpropane
Other names Isobutane, R600a
CAS Number 75-28-5

What is the structure of 2 ethoxy butane?


When 2 ethoxy 2 methyl Propane is reacted with cold and concentrated HI the products formed are?

methyl iodide and tert-butyl alcohol.

Which of the following are the products formed by reaction of methoxy ethane with HI?

When aqueous HI reacts with methoxyethane, methyl iodide and ethanol are formed, but when aqueous HI reacts with 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane, a mixture of methanol and t-butyl iodide is formed.

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