What is TTR ratio?

What is TTR ratio?

Turns ratio between the windings Power transformer turns ratio test is an AC low voltage test which determines the ratio of the high voltage winding to all other windings at no-load. The Transformer Turns Ratio tester (TTR) is device used to measure the turns ratio between the windings (example shown below).

How do you test a 2 wire transformer?

To test your transformer, simply touch the red and black pins of your ohmmeter to the opposite ends of the transformer’s wiring. Read the display and compare the resistance on your ohmmeter to the resistance stated on the transformer’s data sheet. This is sometimes listed on the transformer’s enclosure.

How many types of transformer testing are there?

Transformer manufacturers perform two main types of transformer testing – type test of transformer and routine test of transformer. Some transformer tests are also carried out at the consumer site before commissioning and also periodically in regular and emergency basis throughout its service life.

How do you read a TTR?

TTR is the ratio obtained by dividing the types (the total number of different words) occurring in a text or utterance by its tokens (the total number of words). A high TTR indicates a high degree of lexical variation while a low TTR indicates the opposite.

How do you test a transformer turns ratio?

Procedure of Transformer Ratio Test

  1. First, the tap changer of transformer is kept in the lowest position and LV terminals are kept open.
  2. Then apply 3-phase 415 V supply on HV terminals.
  3. After measuring the voltages at HV and LV terminals, the tap changer of transformer should be raised by one position and repeat test.

Why do we test transformer ratio?

The transformer turns ratio test is used to determine the number of turns in one winding of a transformer in relation to the number of turns in the other windings of the same phase of the transformer. The transformer polarity test determines the vectoral relationships of the various transformer windings.

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