How do you perform an apicoectomy?

How do you perform an apicoectomy?

What does an apicoectomy procedure involve? During an apicoectomy, a very small incision is made to open the gum tissue near the troublesome tooth. With the underlying bone exposed, the endodontist uses a special microscope and advanced equipment to remove the infected tissue along with the end of the root tips.

What is needed for an apicoectomy?

If your dentist is recommending an apicoectomy, it’s because there’s no real alternative except removal of your entire tooth. In that event, you’d need an implant, bridge, or a removable partial denture to keep the nearby teeth from shifting.

What types of flaps are used for apicoectomy?

There are three types of flaps principally used for apicoectomy: the semilunar, triangular, and trapezoi- dal. The semilunar flap is indicated for surgical proce- dures of limited extent and is usually created at the anterior region of the maxilla, which is where most apicoectomies are performed.

What is the primary objective of apicoectomy?

The purpose of an apicoectomy is to eliminate the infection in the tissue and to ultimately preserve the function of the tooth and save it from extraction. When left untreated, infected roots can damage other teeth, spread infection and cause regression of the jawbone.

Who performs apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy is performed by endodontist, which is a surgeon who specializes in surgery of the dental pulp including the tooth root. These dental specialists complete two years of additional training beyond general dentistry specifically to treat diseases of the pulp and root.

How much does apicoectomy cost?

Without insurance, most apicoectomies cost between $900 and $1,300. However, the cost of an apicoectomy varies based on the experience and qualifications of the endodontist, the region, the type of tooth, local rates and other factors. With insurance, you will likely only pay a small fraction of the average cost.

What is the most commonly used flap?

Slotted flaps are the most commonly used flaps today, and they can be found on both small and large aircraft.

What is a periodontist?

A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease (a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth also known as gum disease), and in the placement of dental implants.

What is a Apico?

An apicoectomy is a minor surgical procedure in which the very tip of the tooth’s root is removed (“apico” – apex or end; “ectomy” – removal) and sealed.

Can an apicoectomy last a lifetime?

While nothing is guaranteed, both root canal surgery and apicoectomy surgery should last a lifetime, but, as with any surgery, secondary infection may still develop.

What are the 4 types of flap designs?

There are four basic types of flaps: plain, split, Fowler and slotted.

What are the instruments needed for an apicoectomy?

Armamentarium The following instruments are necessary for performing an apicoectomy: • Microhead handpiece (straight and contra-angle) and microbur • Special narrow periapical curette tips for preparation of the periapical cavity • Apical retrograde micro-mirror and micro-explorers • Local anesthetic syringe and cartridges.

Which is better an apicoectomy or tooth extraction?

An apicoectomy can help retain the tooth for an indefinite time period. It is a minor surgical procedure with many advantages over tooth extraction followed by an implant. Apicoectomies have been performed for many decades with proven effectiveness, while implants are only now becoming predictable in their results.

Do you have to clean your mouth before an apicoectomy?

Having a clean mouth at the start of your apicoectomy lowers the risk of contamination of the surgical site. Your endodontist may have you rinse with an anti-bacterial mouthwash just prior to your surgery, but you should also do a thorough dental cleaning at home before the apicoectomy.

When to rest and ice pack after apicoectomy?

It’s okay to bring a light sweater or jacket in case the office is on the cool side. You can positively affect the success of your apicoectomy when you follow your aftercare instructions to the letter. Rest and ice packs are recommended for the first 12 hours after your surgery.

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