What is the meaning of the Italian word Tesoro?

What is the meaning of the Italian word Tesoro?

darling , honey , sweetheart. Sei il mio tesoro.

Can you say Tesoro to a man?

No, ’cause the name “tesoro” (treasure) is always male, it doesn’t matter the gender of the person who is applied to. On the other hand other words, like “dottore” (doctor) do change from male to female (dottore/dottoressa), but that’s not the case with “tesoro”.

What is Ciao Tesoro?

Ciao means hi/bye. Tesoro means treasure. The two words combined mean “hello my precious one” or “darling.” Italians are very expressive and passionate people so they won’t hesitate to call you tesoro or caro (dear) even at first encounter.

What does Teso mean in Spanish?

adjective. (= tenso) tense. masculine noun. crest.

What language is Mi Tesoro?

What is the meaning of “Mi tesoro”? – Question about Spanish (Spain) | HiNative.

What does Tereso mean?

noun. dear [noun] (British, informal) a person who is lovable or charming. exchequer [noun] the national or public money supply. honey [noun] (especially American) darling (used when speaking to someone one loves).

How do you pronounce Mi Tesoro?

mi tesoro

  1. mee. teh. – soh. – roh.
  2. mi. te. – so. – ɾo.
  3. mi. te. – so. – ro.

Is Tesoro a name?

Italian: metonymic occupational name for a treasurer or person in charge of financial administration, from Old Italian tesoro ‘treasure’, ‘treasury’ (Latin thesaurus ‘hoard’).

What does the word tesoro mean in Spanish?

masculine noun. 1. (valuable objects) a. treasure. Los piratas navegan en busca de tesoros y ron bueno.Pirates sail in search of treasure and good rum. 2. (valued person) a. treasure. Un buen amigo es un tesoro de valor incalculable.A good friend is an invaluable treasure. 3. (tax office) a.

What is the meaning of the word treasure?

treasure [noun] a store of money, gold, jewels etc. treasure [noun] something very valuable. darling [noun] a lovable person. (Translation of tesoro from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

What did Monte Cristo find in the Tesoro?

Tranquilla, tesoro, puoi guardare. It’s okay, honey, you can look. Ha trovato il tesoro di Spada. Monte Cristo has found the treasure of Spada. Bouchard amava nascondere indizi sul nascondiglio del tesoro nelle mappe. Bouchard was also fond of hiding clues to the treasure’s whereabouts in the maps.

What did Bouchard hide in the Tesoro treasure?

Bouchard amava nascondere indizi sul nascondiglio del tesoro nelle mappe. Bouchard was also fond of hiding clues to the treasure’s whereabouts in the maps. Arrivano, tesoro, stai tranquillo.

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