Would Mean meaning in Marathi?

Would Mean meaning in Marathi?

क्रियापद: इच्छा किंवा खेद व्यक्त करणे

What is Marathi meaning of quote?

Meanings of quote in Marathi उद्‌घृत करणे भाव सांगणे किंमत कळवणे उद्धरण देणे

Whats it mean to be buzzed?

US. drunk or under the influence of a drug: I was arrested just because my friend was driving a little buzzed and I was the passenger.

What is an example of stealth?

Stealth is defined as being secretive or cautious in movement and action. An example of stealth is when you creep around a house cautiously so you will not be seen or noticed. The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way.

What kind of word is stealth?

secret, clandestine, or surreptitious procedure. a furtive departure or entrance. Obsolete. an act of stealing; theft.

Who translate meaning in Marathi?

Definition in Marathi: काय किंवा कोणते व्यक्ती किंवा लोक

What is meant by course in Marathi?

मार्ग ⇄ course. शर्यतीचे अगर गोल्फ खेळाचे मैदान ⇄ course.

What do you mean by squashy?

1 : easily squashed. 2 : softly wet : boggy. 3 : soft because overripe squashy melons.

What kind of script is used in Marathi?

The Marathi Language Uses Modi Script. Modi Script uses 46 letters of which 36 are consonants and 10 are vowels. One of the astonishing things about the Marathi Language is its ability to write it without lifting the pen with a smooth transition from one character to another.

What is the origin of the word Marathi?

In the mid-60s, the Shiv Sena spoke of the erosion of Marathi. It is derived from the Apabhrarṁśa form uṭṭhiu, to which the dative suffix n (old Marathi ni, niyẫ) has been added. Khandoba is the deity of the Marathi country and is popularly believed to be an avator, or incarnation of Shiva.

Is there a cost to translate English to Marathi?

This English To Marathi Translation is free of cost and will remain as it is. There are few restrictions in using This translation one of them is Word Limit that is several words you can translate in one go which has an upper limit set at 2000 words.

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