What do you call a document that is blacked out?

What do you call a document that is blacked out?

Redaction in its sanitization sense (as distinguished from its other editing sense) is the blacking out or deletion of text in a document, or the result of such an effort. For example, when a document is subpoenaed in a court case, information not specifically relevant to the case at hand is often redacted.

What does it mean to redact a document?

Redaction, which means removing information from documents, is necessary when confidential information must be removed from a document before final publication. When only a PDF version of a document is available, it is necessary to redact using Acrobat.

What does the legal term redacted mean?

Redacting means editing a document to delete or mask information that has been deemed as privileged or confidential, says Lisa Gilbert, vice president of legislative affairs at Public Citizen. “It’s a pretty common practice in legal documents,” Gilbert said.

How do you indicate redacted?

To redact a line or item in the document, double-click on a word or image. Press CTRL as you drag to select a line, a block of text, an image, or an area of the document. Click OK to remove the selected items. Keep in mind the items are not permanently removed from the document until you save the document.

What is another word for redact?

What is another word for redact?

edit revise
emend rephrase
rework censor
copy-edit assemble
cut modify

Why do we redact documents?

The purpose of redaction is to irreversibly remove the exempt information from the redacted copy of the information. Care should be taken to protect against deleting data from the original file.

Can a redacted document be unredacted?

The redaction process is a one way process. It means therefore that you cannot undo redaction in PDF once you have it done. The redacted text will be replaced by a colored box. It is not possible to unredact PDF documents.

What does it mean to call someone redacted?

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines “redact” as, “to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or release.” If someone requests juvenile court files, and is granted access to view them, the names and information related to the minor children will likely be redacted.

What is the purpose of redaction?

Common in court documents and within the government, redaction is to hide or remove (confidential parts of a text) before publication or distribution, or to examine (a text) for this purpose.

What is the synonym of Withdraw?

5 (verb) in the sense of pull out. The opposition threatened to withdraw from the talks. Synonyms. pull out. leave.

What is the meaning of Expurgation?

transitive verb. : to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous especially : to expunge objectionable parts from before publication or presentation an expurgated edition of the letters.

What can you redact in a document?

What Information Needs Redacting?

  • Social security numbers.
  • Driver’s license or professional license numbers.
  • Protected health information and other medical information.
  • Financial documents and files.
  • Proprietary information or trade secrets.
  • Judiciary records.

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