What is McVay inguinal herniorrhaphy?

What is McVay inguinal herniorrhaphy?

Instead of approximating the transversalis fascia and the aponeurotic margin of the transverse abdominal muscle to the iliopubic tract and to Poupart’s ligament to repair either a direct or indirect hernia, the McVay repair attaches these musculotendinous structures to Cooper’s ligament and the lacunar ligament …

What is McVay procedure?

In the McVay repair, the conjoined (transversus abdominis and internal oblique) tendon is sutured to the Cooper ligament with interrupted nonabsorbable sutures.

What is a McVay hernia repair?

The McVay repair uses autologous tissue to close the floor of the inguinal canal. This repair closes the femoral canal and is thus a good repair to use when a femoral hernia is encountered.

What is herniorrhaphy procedure?

A hernia repair is the surgical procedure to fix a hernia. This procedure is also known as herniorrhaphy. A hernia occurs when part of an internal organ or body part protrudes into an area where it should not. The most common hernias occur in the abdominal area.

What is McVay ligament repair?

The Cooper ligament repair (McVay repair) is the only anterior herniorrhaphy that repairs all of the hernia defects that occur in the groin. Although this repair gives excellent results, it has been largely superseded by the less invasive “tension-free” repairs in which patients have a quicker recovery.

What does the inguinal canal do?

The sole purpose of the inguinal canal is to provide a conduit that facilitates gonadal descent. In males, this results in the testes leaving the lumbar region of the posterior abdominal wall to enter the scrotal sac. In females, however, this means movement of the ovaries from the same area, to the pelvic region.

What is Cooper’s ligament inguinal?

Anatomical terminology. The pectineal ligament, sometimes known as the inguinal ligament of Cooper, is an extension of the lacunar ligament. It runs on the pectineal line of the pubic bone. The pectineal ligament is the posterior border of the femoral ring.

What is open inguinal hernia repair?

For open hernia repair surgery, a single long incision is made in the groin. If the hernia is bulging out of the abdominal wall (a direct hernia), the bulge is pushed back into place. If the hernia is going down the inguinal canal (indirect), the hernia sac is either pushed back or tied off and removed.

What is the difference between Hernioplasty and Herniorrhaphy?

Herniotomy (removal of the hernial sac only) Herniorrhaphy (herniotomy plus repair of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal) Hernioplasty (herniotomy plus reinforcement of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal with a synthetic mesh)

What muscles are divided in the Mcvay Cooper ligament inguinal Herniorrhaphy?

Fruchaud named this the myopectineal orifice. It is bounded by the internal oblique and transversus abdominis superiorly, the rectus muscle medially, the iliopsoas muscle laterally, and the Cooper’s ligament and pubis inferiorly.

How is inguinal canal formed?

Inguinal Region The inguinal canal runs obliquely between the external and internal inguinal rings. The anterior wall of the canal is formed by the external oblique aponeurosis; the posterior wall is formed by the inguinal ligament and conjoined tendon.

What is inguinal exploration?

Conclusion: Inguinal exploration is an unreliable method of investigating the impalpable testis, with an unacceptably high incidence of false-negative or inconclusive findings. Laparoscopy should be undertaken as the initial diagnostic manoeuvre of choice.

How is the McVay method used to treat Groin hernias?

Groin hernias are treated by repairing or covering all or part of this myopectineal orifice. By suturing the transver- sus abdominis arch superiorly to the Cooper’s ligament and femoral sheath inferiorly, the McVay method repairs the complete myopectineal orifice and is anatomically correct.

What are the glandular inclusions in herniorrhaphy?

Benign glandular inclusions in inguinal herniorrhaphy specimens may represent Müllerian remnants, wolffian remnants, transected vas deferens, or transected epididymis.

How is an inguinal hernia performed in a child?

Inguinal herniorrhaphy is one of the most common operations performed by the pediatric surgeon. Inguinal hernias in children are indirect, a result of a patent processus vaginalis. An inguinal hernia in a child warrants repair to avoid the risk of incarceration. Unlike umbilical hernias in children, inguinal hernias do not close spontaneously.

What kind of incision is used for a McVay?

His method is known equally well as a McVay or a Cooper’s ligament repair.4 A relaxing incision is an essential part of a McVay repair. Although Anton Wolfler did not use the Cooper’s ligament in his hernia surgery, he is given credit for making the first relaxing incision.

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