What should flaps be at takeoff 747?

What should flaps be at takeoff 747?

Flaps are generally not used on the 747–400 to increase the descent rate during the descent from en route altitude. Normal descents are made in the clean configuration to pattern or Initial Approach Point (IAP) altitude. All of the following occurs quite rapidly….

Flap Position < ½ fuel > ½ fuel
Flaps 25 140 150

Why do 747 slats retract on landing?

Actually, on the 747 they are LE Flaps. Variable camber Kreuger Flaps to be specific. This automatic retraction during reverse thrust reduces the chance of damage from debris thrown up by the reverse thrust.

What flaps to take off?

4) Takeoff flap settings typically vary between 5-15 degrees. Aircraft use takeoff flap settings that are usually between 5-15 degrees (most jets use leading edge slats as well). That’s quite a bit different than landing, when aircraft typically use 25-40 degrees of flaps.

Are slats used during takeoff?

Slats are extendable, high lift devices on the leading edge of the wings of some fixed wing aircraft. Their purpose is to increase lift during low speed operations such as takeoff, initial climb, approach and landing. Slats are most often extended and retracted using hydraulically or electrically powered actuators.

How fast is a 747 going at takeoff?

The 747 goes from its approximate takeoff speed of 200 mph (89.4 meters per second) to 0 mph in 27 seconds.

What altitude do 747s fly at?

Every flight has its own ideal cruising altitude. This is the sweet spot where plane fly as fast as possible, but burn the least amount of fuel. A Boeing 747 has a cross height of 35,105 ft, while the Embraer climbs 190 to 39,370 ft. The Airbus A380 can even fly at 43,097 ft.

Are flaps needed for take off?

A: No airliners take off with full flaps. High-altitude airports and higher temperatures cause airplanes to use reduced flap settings to ensure adequate climb performance. Shorter runways require more flaps to get airborne in the shorter distance available.

Can you take off without flaps?

Yes take-off without flaps is possible. The Airbus A300 and Boeing 767 are approved for such take-offs and it is being done regularly. It results in a better climb gradient, especially with one engine out.

Do you need flaps for takeoff?

Q: When is it necessary to do full flaps for takeoff and when are minimal flaps needed? A: No airliners take off with full flaps. High-altitude airports and higher temperatures cause airplanes to use reduced flap settings to ensure adequate climb performance.

What is the top speed of a Boeing 747?

988 km/h
Boeing 747-400/Top speed

Can a 747 take off with 2 engines?

A 747 cannot takeoff with just two engines because the time it would take to pick up enough speed would have it half way there, but once its in the air, they’ll keep it moving. 2. If these two engines were on the same side, it would take everything but the galley sink to keep the airplane from turning.

What kind of slats are on a 747?

If they are leading edge flaps on the 747, then what planes have “slats?” For example the MD11 has only leading edge slats. Some airplane have the so called Krüger Flaps which are on the leading edge as well, but work differently. It would probably be easier to list which airliners (with LE devices) that do NOT have slats. Wink

What is the variable camber flap on a 747?

Variable camber flap (as used on the 747): a flexible surface tucked against the underside of the wing. Similar to a Krueger flap but, when it deploys, it bends into a different shape which gives it aerodynamics close to a slat.

Why do the leading edge flaps on a 747 retract?

The thrust reverser is pretty effective and can throw around some objects which are on the runway, so the leading edge flaps retract during thrust reverser operation to avoid damage to them. If they are leading edge flaps on the 747, then what planes have “slats?” First of all, the 747 does not actually have slats.

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