What is Mahesh Dattani message in final solutions?

What is Mahesh Dattani message in final solutions?

Mahesh Dattani’s Final Solutions focuses on the problem of communal disharmony between the Hindus and Muslims in India, especially during the period of the post- partition riots. Once they are made to acknowledge their identity as human beings first and then Hindus or Muslims, there will be no problems.

What is the main theme of final solution?

Final Solutions, which tells the story of two young Muslim men seeking the protection of a Hindu family during a communal riot, explores the causes of religious conflict. The play’s central theme was an extremely sensitive topic given the events that were unfolding at this time in the city of Ayodhya in North India.

Why is Javed not afraid of the police in final solution?

We must note here that Javed is not afraid of the police. Because, he says, he had been taken in the police van to start the trouble. There are similarly the politicians who fan the Hindu hate of Muslims to fire. Through politics, therefore, you cannot hope to realize a solution of the problem.

What role does memory play in the novel final solutions?

If she forgets, she will no longer be able to know herself. She remembers because Page 7 S. Sigroha, Role of Memory in Shaping Character’s Identity 233 she wants to retain an identity, any identity that is available to her. Ramnik is also plagued by what happened in the past.

How dattani uses the role of chorus in his novel Final Solution?

In this play, Mahesh Dattani has used the chorus for narrating the events in the play. Chorus was also used to highlight the dramatic content in the play like fear, sorrow, happiness etc. Chorus was used to show the inner voice and thoughts in the minds of Hindus and Muslims.

Why does Mahesh Dattani use a multilevel set to stage his play What do the different levels represent?

The use of multi-level sets helps in connecting the past with present. “Mahesh Dattani’s plays are played out on multi-level sets where interior and exterior become one, and geographical locations collapse. Dattani is even more innovative in the way he uses the multilevel sets for flashbacks in Final Solutions.

What is the role of chorus in final solutions?

When was final solutions written?

Sahitya Kala Parishad selected Final Solutions (1997), Tara (2000) and 30 Days in September (2007) as best productions of the year, directed by Arvind Gaur.

Who is Javed in final solutions?

Act 2. Aruna asks Smita how she knows both of them. Smita tells that Javed is the brother of Tasneem and Bobby is her fiancée. When Ramanik and Aruna start insulting Smita for knowing them Smita defends herself boldly by saying, there’s no harm in that.

Which character in Final Solutions Maintain a diary?

Daksha (Hardika) maintains a diary in the play.

How does dattani use symbols to enhance the dramatic impact of Bravely Fought the Queen?

Mahesh Dattani excels in art and craft of symbolic exuberances and imagery. The play Bravely Fought the Queen is moulded by craft of imagery or symbolism. The bonsai Lalitha brings as a gift for Dolly becomes a central symbol in the play. The bonsai represents a cruel miniaturization of a free spirit.

What is the plot of Mahesh Dattani Tara?

Mahesh Dattani’s two-act play “Tara” tells the story of two conjoined twins, a boy, Chandan, and a girl, Tara, who are surgically separated in an unequal manner intended to favor the boy.

What happens in Final Solutions by Mahesh Dattani?

In Final Solutions, Dattani uses two time spaces to indicate the construction of collective consciousness. Disrupting, Hardika’s flow of consciousness, Smita appears with the rumours of bombing the Muslim Hostel where her Muslim friend Tasneem live. The violence erupted after the sabotage of Hindu Rath Yatra.

What kind of research is Mahesh Dattani doing?

The topic of her research is “A Socio-Psychological Study of Major Issues in the Plays of Mahesh Dattani.” At present, she is working as a part-time Lecturer, Department of English, T.R. Girls Degree College, Aligarh.

Who is Daksha in the play Final Solutions?

The character of Daksha/ Hardika in the play Final Solutions. Hardika is the mother of Ramnik. She is also known as Daksha in the play when the play revolves around the past. Daksha writes down everything in her diary because diary is her best friend.

Who are the female characters in Final Solutions?

In Final Solutions, Dattani represents the female characters like Hardika, Smita and Aruna. They make realization that women are not a shadow of male. Today woman is making her spaces. She has a better understanding of realization of identity both inside and outside the family.

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