What is another word for robotics?

What is another word for robotics?

What is another word for robotics?

computing engineering
automation cybernetics
electronic communication telemechanics
artificial intelligence autonetics
robotization automatic technology

What are similar words?


  • that.
  • whatever.
  • and that.
  • whichever.

What is a good name for a robot?

The Best Robots of All Time

  1. WALL – E. All best robot lists are incomplete without WALL-E.
  2. R2D2. Balancing the personality of the know-it-all that is C-3PO, R2D2 is the smart and spunky droid we all needed.
  3. HAL 9000.
  4. Data.
  5. Dante II.
  6. ASIMO.
  7. K9.
  8. The Terminator.

What is another word for AI?

What is another word for artificial intelligence?

robotics AI
expert systems intelligent retrieval
knowledge engineering machine learning
natural language processing neural network
neural networks

What is a synonym for technological?

technical, expert, proficient.

What are corresponding words?

Corresponding comes from the Latin roots cor-, meaning “together,” and respondere, meaning “to answer.” Aside from its meaning of “having similar function and purpose,” the adjective can also mean “related” or “accompanying.” Type the corresponding keys on the keyboard to create a keyboard shortcut.

What are some bot names?

Unique Chatbot Names

  • Evobot.
  • Buffybot.
  • Marvin.
  • Bender.
  • Bingo.
  • Aprilbot.
  • My World Is Awesome.
  • Jemima Bot.

What is a male robot called?

Though the term android has been used to refer to robotic humanoids regardless of apparent gender, the Greek prefix “andr-” refers to man in the masculine sense. Because of this prefix, Android can be read as referring specifically to male-styled robots.

What is a new technology called?

History of emerging technologies In the history of technology, emerging technologies are contemporary advances and innovation in various fields of technology. Over centuries innovative methods and new technologies are developed and opened up.

What is a term for new technology?

Emerging technology is a term generally used to describe a new technology, but it may also refer to the continuing development of an existing technology; it can have slightly different meaning when used in different areas, such as media, business, science, or education.

What is the antonym for robot?

Robotic: designed to replace or decrease human labor and especially physical labor. Synonyms: automated, automatic, laborsaving… Antonyms: nonautomated, nonautomatic…

What is another word for bots?

There are a number of synonyms for chatbot, including “talkbot,” “bot,” “IM bot,” “interactive agent” or “artificial conversation entity.”

What is another word for bot?

Bot is another word for ‘macro’, an automated program which, in Tibia’s case, controls your character. In other words, it’s an unofficial software to play.

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