What is the difference between 92551 and 92552?

What is the difference between 92551 and 92552?

As you can see, there is a slight difference between 92551 and 92552 in medical billing. 92552 is more complicated because the frequency and pitch of the tones change. This more complicated procedure demands more money for reimbursement.

What is the CPT code for a screening hearing test?

As indicated in the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual, the Audiologic Function Tests (Codes 92550 through 92700) include the testing of both ears. If only one ear instead of two ears is tested, the -52 modifier (Reduced Services) should be utilized.

What is procedure code 92550?

CPT® 92550, Under Audiologic Function Tests The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 92550 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Audiologic Function Tests.

What is the difference between 92585 and 92586?

92585: Auditory evoked potentials for evoked response audiometry and/or testing of the central nervous system; comprehensive. 92586: Auditory evoked potentials for evoked response audiometry and/or testing of the central nervous system; limited.

Is 92552 covered by Medicare?

Also, as you mentioned, Medicare does not cover 92551, because it is a screening test for which the law does not provide Medicare coverage.

What is code 92552?

The medical billing CPT code 92552 means pure tone audiometry; air only. This is a hearing test that a physician uses when testing the limits of intensity for each frequency heard. 92552 changes both intensity and frequency while 92551 only changes frequency while the intensity stays the same.

What does an audiogram test for?

An audiometry evaluation is a painless, noninvasive hearing test that measures a person’s ability to hear different sounds, pitches, or frequencies.

What is CPT code V5261?

V5261, or “Hearing aid, digital, binaural, BTE,” is very appropriate when billing for two binaural, digital behind the ear hearing aids as that is what the HCPCS code description specifies. It should be billed as one unit (which is two hearing aids.)

What is CPT code V5257?

HCPCS code V5257 for Hearing aid, digital, monaural, BTE as maintained by CMS falls under Hearing Aids .

What CPT code replaces 92585?

CPT© codes 92585 and 92586 for comprehensive and limited auditory brainstem responses will be deleted; do not use these codes but one of the four new auditory evoked potential codes: 92650 Auditory evoked potentials; screening of auditory potential with broadband stimuli, automated analysis.

What is the CPT code for Optokinetic nystagmus test?

Billing and Coding Information for the Balance+Plus Fall Assessment Systems

CPT Code Modifier Description
92542 59 Positional nystagmus test
92537 Caloric vestibular test with recording, bilateral; bithermal
92544 59 Optokinetic nystagmus test
92545 59 Oscillating tracking test

What is the CPT code for a hearing test?

CPT – 92551 is the code for a hearing screening test, pure tone, air only. Requires the use of calibrated electronic equipment. Test should be applied to both ears.

What is CPT code manual?

Inside The Cpt Manual. CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) It is a medical code set introduce and maintained by American Medical Association by the CPT editorial Panel. It explains the surgical and diagnostic process and communicates uniform information about medical service among the entire members of the medical association.

What is CPT code 92585?

CPT 92585, Under Audiologic Function Tests. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 92585 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Audiologic Function Tests.

What is Procedure Code 92567?

CPT 92567, Under Audiologic Function Tests. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 92567 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Audiologic Function Tests.

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