What is section cut in SAP2000?

What is section cut in SAP2000?

SAP2000 calculates section-cut forces by summing the forces which act on member joints within the group of frame, shell, and link objects which define the section cut. During summation, the forces and moments at joint locations are transformed into equivalent conditions at a point of summation.

What is section cut?

A ‘section drawing’, ‘section’ or ‘sectional drawing’ shows a view of a structure as though it had been sliced in half or cut along another imaginary plane. Plan drawings are in fact a type of section, but they cut through the building on a horizontal rather than vertical plane.

How do you make a 2d clipping plane?

Select geometry and clipping plane within the correct viewport and then type command “Make2D”. In the Make2D options, check “Current View”. Select the layers for Make2D objects. It is important to select the “CLIPPING PLANE” layer for visible clipping planes.

What is f11 and f22 in Etabs?

In column and code terms f11 or f22 would correspond to modifications of EI or EA and f12 would correspond to modifications to GAshear.

How do you trim a line in SAP2000?

Click the Edit menu > Trim/Extend Frames command, which brings up the Trim/Extend Selected Frames form. 1. Select the Trim Frames option, and click OK.

How does SAP2000 calculate the section cut forces?

For section cuts defined by a quadrilateral cutting plane, SAP2000 calculates section-cut forces by summing the joint forces within frame, shell, and link objects which are entirely within the cutting plane and included in the section-cut group.

Where is the section cut 2 axis located?

Section-cut 2 axis is also located within the plane parallel to the global X-Y plane, though it is oriented 90° counterclockwise from the section-cut 1 axis. Section-cut Z axis is parallel to the global Z axis. Integrated forces are reported either on the left or right side of the section cut, according to the right-hand rule.

How to draw a section cut in Adobe Photoshop?

Answer: This can be done using section cuts. Display the elevation view of the framing of interest, display the frame force to be reported, then draw a section cut at any elevation within the story by selecting Draw > Section Cut. Frame shear force will correspond to the section-cut force in the 1 direction.

How are section cuts drawn in Windows 10?

After analysis is run, section cuts are drawn to obtain section-cut forces. For section cuts drawn in a 2D View, the software automatically projects a quadrilateral cutting plane into the depth of the display. This depth is specified through Options > Dimensions and Tolerances > 2D View Cutting Planes +/-.

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