What is uncapping a modem?

What is uncapping a modem?

Uncapping cable modems refers to activities performed to alter a DOCSIS cable modems settings. Plain and simple someone is messing with the cable modem’s configuration file to get what they want. Caps make it easier for cable operators to distribute bandwidth among its users.

How do I speed up my uncap cable?

The only way to “uncap” your Internet connection is to pay your ISP more money.

How do I run a diagnostic on my cable modem?

Try typing 192.168. 100.1 into your address bar and pressing Enter. If that doesn’t immediately pull up a diagnostic page, you should consult the extensive list of broadband hardware at SpeedGuide.net.

What is the transmission rate the cable modem?

Transmission rates range from about 8 megabits per second (Mbps) for basic services to some 50 Mbps for premium services. Cable Internet access is regarded as a replacement for slower dial-up, ISDN, and DSL connections. See also broadband technology.

What is Haxorware?

With the advent of a new hacked cable modem firmware called Haxorware, the modem was able to create and use completely fictitious self- signed certificates. Haxorware picked up where Sigma left off and could be considered the second revolution in cable modem hacking.

How do you know if a cable modem is bad?

5 Warning Signs Your Cable Modem is Dying

  1. Connection indicator lights have turned off even if you can still surf the web.
  2. Data transfers/downloads are slow.
  3. The connection speeds are slow.
  4. The modem is making a lot of loud or weird noises.
  5. The modem turns off or stops functioning.

Do cable modems go bad?

Can a Modem Go Bad? Most people leave modems running 24 hours a day, even when they’re sleeping. Most modems show failure signs before they shut down for good. Before you do any troubleshooting, make sure to reset your router to factory defaults.

Is a cable modem really a modem?

The cable modem bridges Ethernet frames between a customer LAN and the coax network. Technically, it is a modem because it must modulate data to transmit it over the cable network, and it must demodulate data from the cable network to receive it.

Why do we call V 90 modem standard a 56k modem?

The V. 90 modem is the latest technology to offer faster Internet connection speeds without requiring that consumers subscribe to more expensive digital line services. Performance barriers such as µ-law quantization reduce the effective data rate of V.

Can I clone modem?

This type of cloning effectively makes two exact duplicates of a modem. This can also be done with a hacked modem, creating two identical copies of the same hacked modem.

Can you clone cable modem MAC address?

When you place a router behind the cable modem or DSL modem, the MAC address from the device WAN port is not recognized by the ISP. In this case, to configure your device to be recognized by the ISP, you can clone the MAC address of the WAN port to be the same as your computer MAC address.

How long do cable modems last?

A standard modem lasts around two to four years with regular use. Higher-quality modems are built to last longer but even with proper care and maintenance, no modem lasts forever. With advances in technology and changes in internet service providers, you’ll need to replace or upgrade your modem.

Is it possible to uncap a cable modem?

If you’re thinking about uncapping your cable modem, especially if the modem cable with a cable Internet service provider, be warned. Your service agreement prohibits uncapping, removing software blocks that limit or “cap” bandwidth. Uncap your cable modem and you will at the very least be banned from your ISP for life.

How does a cable modem set a cap?

Every time the cable modem is powered on, it looks in its configuration file for the address of an TFTP server and for a file name. This file is the Docsis configuration file that, among other things, sets a cap for the modem s download/upload bandwidth. The cable modem then retrieves that file and connects to the backbone.

How is a cable modem connected to a PC?

There are usually two network configurations. (1) The PC is directly connected to the cable modem. (2) The PC is connected to a NAT router, whose WAN port is then in turn connected to the cable modem. All of the following steps apply to both cases, except the final one that deals with TFTP.

How do I change the cap on my DOCSIS modem?

You just downloaded the docsis configuration file from your ISP. Now it’s time to edit it to change the modem’s cap. This is done by using the Cisco Docsis configuration software in the docsisConfig directory (also available from http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/109/docsis_config2.shtml ).

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