Why are there 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac?

Why are there 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac?

Long, long ago, there was no Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor wanted to select 12 animals to be his guards. He sent an immortal being into man’s world to spread the message that the earlier one went through the Heavenly Gate, the better the rank one would have.

What is my Chinese birth year?

Chinese Lunar New Year – Calendar and Zodiac Animals

If you were born on or between these dates you are: Zodiac Animal and Characteristic
2019 February 5 2020 January 24 Pig
2018 February 16 2019 February 4 Dog
2017 January 28 2018 February 15 Rooster
2016 February 8 2017 January 27 Monkey

Why there is no cat in Chinese zodiac?

The cat was the thirteenth to arrive and would not be assigned to the calendar. Filled with rage, the cat chased the rat he once thought of as a friend. And that is why the cat is missing from the Chinese zodiac.

How do I find my zodiac animal?

Learn Your Zodiac Animal

  1. Rat: Charming, imaginative.
  2. Ox: Dependable, confident.
  3. Tiger: Colorful, unpredictable, emotional.
  4. Rabbit: Polite, affectionate.
  5. Dragon: Strong, positive.
  6. Snake: Wise, graceful.
  7. Horse: Independent, hard-working.
  8. Sheep: Artistic, generous.

What are the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac?

The 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac, in order, are as follows: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Why is a Chinese zodiac a 12 year cycle?

Animal signs in Chinese Zodiac correspond to every year of the lunar calendar based on a twelve-year cycle. The origins of the number twelve in Chinese zodiac are related to traditional Chinese astrology and astronomy. Ancient Chinese people observed that there are 12 full moons within a year, and they regarded the number 12 as the number given under the will of Heaven.

What are the 12 Chinese zodiac animals?

The 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac include the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon and snake. Other zodiac animals include the horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar.

How to calculate Chinese zodiac?

Your Birth Year+9 = N.

  • Divide N by 12 and read about the remainder. If you use an electronic math calculator,after you get the result,make the decimal multiplied by 12 to get
  • Get to know your animal sign by checking the corresponding sign to the remainder.
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