Why is soursop banned in the US?

Why is soursop banned in the US?

When used orally, soursop is classified as likely unsafe, said Kellman, citing two studies. Eating the fruit could lead to movement disorders similar to Parkinson’s disease, according to a case-control study in the French West Indies.

Is soursop better than chemotherapy?

“Many would be surprised to know that soursop has miraculous cancer cell killing properties, almost 10000 times stronger than Chemo.”

What is graviola supplement good for?

Despite safety concerns, graviola is used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites including leishmaniasis, a disease caused by parasites transmitted through the bite of sand fleas; herpes; coughs; and cancer. It is also used to cause vomiting and to empty the bowels.

Is graviola good for liver?

They treat infections with viruses or parasites, rheumatism, arthritis, depression, and sickness. We know from research that some graviola extracts can help to treat these conditions. In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells.

Why is soursop bad for you?

While soursop can offer significant health benefits, it does have some potential drawbacks. Studies have shown that the fruit and tea made from the leaves may cause symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. Studies also indicate that it may interact with high blood pressure medication or medications for diabetes.

Is soursop sold in the US?

Guanabana (aka Soursop) is a tropical fruit that seems to be unavailable in the US, except for frozen pulp and the like.

Can graviola cause Parkinson’s?

In conclusion, graviola, the North American pawpaw and other fruits in the Annonaceae family can cause an atypical form of Parkinson’s disease that does not respond to the standard therapy (L-DOPA).

Is soursop good for kidneys?

Soursop supplementation did not affect kidney functions and serum potassium levels, yet could lower blood pressure and SUA levels after 12 weeks of treatment.

Does Walmart sell soursop?

NILO 100% Natural Soursop Graviola Guanabana Juice, 10.8 oz, Pack of 12 – Walmart.com.

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