How do you treat perio Endo lesions?

How do you treat perio Endo lesions?

The treatment for primary endo lesions involves nonsurgical root canal therapy and appropriate restorative care. In these cases, periodontal intervention is not necessary, and outcomes for these teeth are quite predictable.

What are the periodontal classifications?

Classifications of Periodontal Diseases

Stage periodontitis Stage I
Severity Interdental CAL (at site of greatest loss) 1 – 2 mm
RBL Coronal third (<15%)
Tooth Loss (due to periodontitis) No tooth loss
Complexity Local • Max. probing depth ≤4 mm • Mostly Horizontal bone loss

How do you differentiate between endo and perio lesion?

Endodontic lesions: an inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues resulting from noxious agents present in the root canal system of the tooth. Periodontal lesions: an inflammatory process in the pulpal tissues resulting from accumulation of dental plaque on the external root surfaces.

What is an endo-perio lesion?

The endo-perio lesion is a condition characterized by the association of periodontal and pulpal disease in the same dental element. This highlights the importance of taking the complete clinical history and making the right diagnosis to ensure correct prognosis and treatment.

How do you treat a periodontal abscess?

In most cases, your dentist will give you antibiotics to stop the infection. He or she may need to cut open (lance) the abscess so that the infection can drain. This should relieve your pain. You may also need more dental treatment, such as tooth removal or oral surgery to fix bone damage caused by the abscess.

What is direct pulp capping?

Direct pulp-capping is a method for treating exposed vital pulp with dental material to facilitate the formation of reparative dentin and to maintain vital pulp.

What is the new periodontal classification?

The New Periodontal classification system has a staging and grading system – instead of the previously used Case Types or descriptive severity. Staging is utilized to classify the severity and extent of an individual based on currently measurable extent of destroyed and damaged tissue attributable to periodontitis.

How do you classify perio disease?

Periodontal disease and conditions can be broken down into three major categories:

  1. Periodontal health and gingival diseases. a. Periodontal and gingival health. b. Gingivitis caused by biofilm (bacteria)
  2. Periodontitis. a. Necrotizing diseases. b.
  3. Other conditions affecting the periodontium.

Is Perio Endo lesion a diagnosis?

how to diagnose and manage them. Dentists are likely to encounter lesions that have both periodontal and endodontic aetiological components; the so called ‘perio-endo lesions’. A thorough examination with appropriate investigations remains pivotal to diagnosing a ‘perio-endo lesion’.

What is the meaning of perio?

Perio Health That means not only are tooth surfaces clean and cavities addressed with tooth colored fillings, but the supporting periodontal structures (like gums), are also healthy. Perio health is marked by pink, non-tender gums, that cling to the tooth, and rarely bleed during brushing and flossing.

What is a perio abscess?

A periodontal abscess is a pocket of pus in the tissues of the gum. It looks like a small red ball pushing out of the swollen gum. An abscess can occur with serious gum disease (periodontitis), which causes the gums to pull away from the teeth. This leaves deep pockets where bacteria can grow.

Which is a new classification of endodontic-periodontal lesions?

A new endodontic-periodontal interrelationship classification, based on the primary disease with its secondary effect, is suggested as follows: retrograde periodontal disease: primary endodontic lesion with drainage through the periodontal ligament, primary endodontic lesion with secondary periodontal involvement; primary periodontal lesion;

Can a Endo-Perio lesion be a complex disease?

An endo-perio lesion can have a varied pathogenesis which ranges from simple to relatively complex one. The differential diagnosis of endodontic and periodontal diseases can sometimes be difficult, but it is of vital importance to make a correct diagnosis for providing the appropriate treatment.

Is it difficult to diagnose endodontic and periodontal disease?

The differential diagnosis of endodontic and periodontal diseases can sometimes be difficult, but it is of vital importance to make a correct diagnosis for providing the appropriate treatment. This paper aims to discuss a modified clinical classification to be considered for accurately diagnosing and treating endo-perio lesion.

Is there such a thing as primary endodontic disease?

In primary endodontic disease, the pulp is infected and nonvital. However, primary endodontic disease with secondary periodontal involvement, primary periodontal disease with secondary endodontic involvement, or true combined diseases are clinically and radiographically very similar.

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