What is the most common table saw injury?

What is the most common table saw injury?

Blade contact injuries are by far the most common, representing over 85% of table saw injuries. The vast majority of injuries are to the fingers or thumbs. Lacerations were the most frequent injury sustained (66%) but amputations were not uncommon (10%–15% depending on the sample).

How far should you keep your fingers away from a table saw?

Do not allow the material to lift off the table or move away from the fence. 10. When ripping narrow stock, always use a push stick to complete the cut. Keep your hands and fingers at least 4 inches from the blade.

What are the common causes of table saw injuries?

The majority of table saw injuries result from contact with blades that do not have the manufacturer’s plastic blade guard on them because many tasks cannot be performed unless this guard is removed, so of course, most consumers remove the guard.

Can a table saw cut bone?

Differences in kerf (width of the cut made by the saw blade – Figure 1), tooth pattern, type and force of the saw can change the injury. Saws can also break bones. Sometimes you can lose part of the bone, which would lead to amputation. Electric shocks and burns can also occur with the operation of a table saw.

What are the two biggest dangers when using a table saw?

In the table saw, the hazards are the rotating saw blade and its sharp teeth. Neither of these can be eliminated and still yield a working saw. Accordingly, if we are to reduce the danger level on a typical saw, we must reduce the exposure of the operator to the hazard presented by the saw’s blade.

What causes kickback on a table saw?

Kickback is a situation when wood gets picked up by the blade and violently thrown at you, which happens way faster than you can react. This usually occurs when the workpiece pinches the blade or gets stuck between the blade and the rip fence.

How do you protect your fingers from a table saw?

Keep your hands away from the blade – use a Push Shoe. This reduces the chance of a serious accident. Know the tablesaw Danger Zone. Paint a Red Square around it.

Can bone saw cut skin?

Cuts: Small skin lacerations are uncommon, but can occur. The teeth of the saw blade can be sharp enough to scratch the skin. If ample padding is under the hard cast material, a skin laceration is less likely.

Why can’t bone saw cut tissue?

It looks like a really dangerous circular saw, but it really doesn’t work that way. The blade oscillates back & forth only a couple of degrees at a very rapid rate. So, even when it’s loaded with a sharp circular saw blade, it won’t cut flesh.

What are the dangers of using a table saw?

The teeth on the blade can cut off fingers. The rotation can make the workpiece into a hazardous projectile and throw it back at the operator at high speed (“kickback”). It can eject a spray of saw dust particles, fragments from metal embedded in the wood, such as staples, and broken blade parts.

Can a table saw cause a hand injury?

A table saw is a very useful tool used to cut and shape all types of materials; however, they can cause serious hand injuries. The hands are vulnerable as they are used to guide pieces into the saw. The degree of injury can vary widely. The severity depends on the location of the injury (finger, hand or forearm).

What to do if you cut your hand on a table saw?

The technology works quickly to stop the blade from cutting if it senses you have touched the blade. Some treatment options include: Amputation (removal) or replantation (reattachment) of the finger, hand or arm Not all of these treatment options are possible. Consult your hand surgeon for the best option.

What happens if you break a bone with a table saw?

Saws can also break bones. Sometimes you can lose part of the bone, which would lead to amputation. Electric shocks and burns can also occur with the operation of a table saw.

Can a table saw blade guard prevent contact?

Blade guards prevent contact with the blade from the top, but cannot prevent contact to the front of the blade. Furthermore, the blade guard must be removed to make certain types of cuts. It can also hinder visibility so operators may remove it to make precision cuts.

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