What caused the earthquake in Sichuan?

What caused the earthquake in Sichuan?

The quake was caused by the collision of the Indian-Australian and Eurasian plates along the 155-mile- (249-km-) long Longmenshan Fault, a thrust fault in which the stresses produced by the northward-moving Indian-Australian plate shifted a portion of the Plateau of Tibet eastward.

How many children died in Sichuan earthquake?

5,335 students
According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, the earthquake killed 5,335 students and left another 546 children disabled. Some parents believe the real figure is twice that officially cited. The executive vice governor of Sichuan Wei Hong said the student death toll is 19,065.

Where was the 2008 Sichuan earthquake?

Sichuan, China
2008 Sichuan earthquake/Location

What was the response to the Sichuan earthquake?

Habitat for Humanity China responded in communities affected by a devastating earthquake that hit Sichuan province in south-western China in May 2008. With support from donors, partners, volunteers and local government officials, we worked on six housing projects designed for about 1,000 families.

What are the long term effects of Sichuan earthquake?

What Were The Long Term Effects? The Sichuan earthquake created many long term effects for china. One of these effects was problems with agriculture. Due to the earthquake ruining most crops and food it caused the price of pork and grain to increase steeply.

How did the earthquake happen in the Sichuan?

The earthquakes in Sichuan ultimately result from the collision between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates , according to the USGS. As India drives northward into Asia, it forces the Tibetan Plateau out of its way, eastward into China. RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU…

What happened to people during the Sichuan earthquake?

The 2008 Sichuan earthquake ( Chinese: 四川大地震) was a big earthquake in China on May 12, 2008. Thousands of people were killed, thousands more people were missing and thousands were hurt. Millions of people were left homeless after their houses fell down . The earthquake could be felt 58 of kilometres away.

What were the effects of the Sichuan earthquake?

Sichuan earthquake Social Impact. During the quake, a large number of schools collasped and a lot of houses were destroyed, leaving about 4.8 million of people homeless. Economical Impact. The earthquake caused massive infrastructure damages hence affecting China’s economical development. Psycological Impact. When people found their loved ones dead, they become devastated due to the sudden lost of loved ones.

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