What are some figurative language in the book?

What are some figurative language in the book?

There are several types of figurative language, but the most common are:

  • Simile.
  • Metaphor.
  • Personification.
  • Symbolism.
  • Hyperbole.
  • Imagery.
  • Oxymoron.
  • Paradox.

Is Code Talker a true story?

Share All sharing options for: ‘Code Talker’ is remarkable true story about Navajo man’s role in winning World War II. “Code Talker” is about the remarkable life and heroic contributions of Chester Nez, one of the original 32 Code Talkers used by the military to transmit classified information during World War II.

What is the major theme of Code Talker?

Code Talker is about the importance of courage. In this book, Chester and the code talkers represent the courage and heroism of the troops who fought to defend America during World War II.

What is the name of the main character in Code Talker?

Kii Yazhi (Ned Begay): Ned Begay is the main character in the book. He is a Navajo Indian who becomes a Marine at age 16.

What is an example of a simile?

Many commonly used expressions (idioms) are similes. For example, when someone says “He is as busy as a bee,” it means he is working hard, as bees are known to be extremely busy. If someone says “I am as snug as a bug in a rug,” they mean that they feel very comfortable and cozy or are tucked up tight in bed.

Who wrote the code talker?

Joseph Bruchac
Code talker/Authors
About Code Talker Yet their story remained classified for more than twenty years. But now Joseph Bruchac brings their stories to life for young adults through the riveting fictional tale of Ned Begay, a sixteen-year-old Navajo boy who becomes a code talker. His grueling journey is eye-opening and inspiring.

Who are the characters in code talker?

Code Talker Characters

  • Ned Begay. Ned is a young Navajo man who is roughly 15 years old when World War II starts.
  • Mother. Ned’s mother is tall and beautiful.
  • Uncle. Ned’s uncle is his mother’s brother.
  • Hosteen Mitchell.
  • Jacob Benally.
  • Corporal Johnny Manuelito.
  • Georgia Boy.
  • Smitty.

What are some central ideas in code talker?

Code Talker Themes

  • Memory, Language, and Identity.
  • The Navajo Way and the Life of the Warrior.
  • Culture and Patriotism.
  • War, Healing, and Peace.

Who is Smitty in code talker?

Smitty is a fellow marine and close friend of Ned’s. He is originally from Boston, and his real name is John Smith. Though Ned doesn’t know it at the time, Smitty has been assigned to keep a close watch on Ned to make sure he isn’t mistaken for an enemy soldier by other marines.

Who is Johnny Manuelito in code talkers?

Johnny R. Manuelito, Sr., One of the ‘original 29’ Navajo Code Talkers who trained in the first All Navajo Platoon here on the depot in 1942. Manuelito helped create the code that the Navajos developed at Camp Elliot, now Miramar. He became an instructor, teaching other Navajo Marines the code.

Is the book Code Talker a true story?

The novel is an autobiography of Chester Nez, the eponymous Code Talker. Although it is an autobiography it also reads very much like a coming-of-age story because it chronicles his personal development from his days as a goat herder to career soldier to civilian.

How is code talker a metaphor for power?

When The Code was finally developed and implemented this gave the US forces the advantage that they needed to communicate and keep communicating with their soldiers without fear of discovery. Communication thus ceases to be a mere necessity but a metaphor for power, real power, on the battlefield.

Who is Ned Begay in the book Code Talker?

Code Talker tells the story of Kii Yázhí, a young Navajo boy who is sent away to a mission school to learn the ways of white people. He is taught to be ashamed of his culture as the school tries to strip Navajos of their identity. The school even changes Kii’s name to Ned Begay.

Why did Chester develop the Navajo code talker?

The Code that Chester and the rest of the Navajo Marine recruits develop give the US forces the breakthrough they needed in order to gain the upper hand over the Japanese forces.

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