What does a reprise mean in music?

What does a reprise mean in music?

musical repetition
(Entry 1 of 2) 1 [French, from Middle French] a : a musical repetition: (1) : the repetition of the exposition preceding the development.

What is the purpose of a reprise in a musical?

In musical theatre, reprises are any repetition of an earlier song or theme, usually with changed lyrics and shortened music to reflect the development of the story.

What does it mean to reprise a role?

repeat an earlier role
Reprise means “repeat an earlier role.” If you’re asked to reprise your role as “kid entertainer” at the annual family reunion, that means people want you to do it again this year. Early on, reprise was a part in a song or other musical composition that is repeated.

What’s the opposite of a reprise?

What is the opposite of reprise?

departure exit
leaving leave

What is the sentence of reprise?

Reprise sentence example. Last week he invited me round his new gaff for a long awaited reprise . All the main events from the movie happen as expected, and the actors who play the three protagonists also reprise their roles here. Sophie sings a reprise of I Have A Dream.

What’s another word for reprise?

What is another word for reprise?

duplication iteration
reiteration renewal
repeat repetition
replay replication
echo reappearance

What is the music before a musical called?

An overture is incidental music that is played usually at the beginning of a film, play, opera, etc., before the action begins. It may be a complete work of music in itself or just a simple tune. In some cases it incorporates musical themes that are later repeated in other incidental music used during the performance.

What is a synonym for reprise?

reprise, reprize, repeat, recapitulateverb. repeat an earlier theme of a composition. Synonyms: repeat, reiterate, duplicate, iterate, recapitulate, reprize, restate, recur, echo, ingeminate, retell, take over, replicate, reduplicate, double, recap.

What does the word reprise mean in music?

In music, if there is a reprise, an earlier section of music is repeated. If someone reprises a role or a song, they play or sing it again. He then proceeded to play for more than two hours, reprising every one of his hits. [VERB noun]

What does a reprise mean in a sonata?

In music, a reprise is the repetition or reiteration of the opening material later in a composition as occurs in the recapitulation of sonata form, though—originally in the 18th century—was simply any repeated section, such as is indicated by beginning and ending repeat signs.

What does it mean when a song is repeated?

In music, if there is a reprise, an earlier section of music is repeated. If someone reprises a role or a song, they play or sing it again. He then proceeded to play for more than two hours, reprising every one of his hits.

What is the meaning of the word’reprising’?

A return to an original theme. 2. (often rĭ-prīz′) A recurrence or resumption of an action. tr.v. re·prised, re·pris·ing, re·pris·es. To repeat or resume an action; make a reprise of. [Middle English, act of taking back, from Old French, from feminine past participle of reprendre, to take back; see reprieve .]

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