What are the disadvantages of Kato-Katz technique?

What are the disadvantages of Kato-Katz technique?


  • Disadvantages.
  • Take time (The Kato-Katz methods require between 1 to 2 hoursbefore the glycerin clears the background of the stoolsmear on the slide for accurate visualization of mosthelminth eggs )

What is the difference between Kato Katz and Kato thick method?

The Kato-Katz technique facilitates the detection and quantification of helminth eggs that infected subjects pass in their faeces. A thick smear is prepared on a microscopic slide and helminth eggs are enumerated under a light microscope and recorded for each helminth species separately.

What is the advantage of using Kato-Katz technique?

The advantages of Kato-Katz are its low cost, short sample preparation time, simple handling and the need of only basic equipment [8,10]. However, the method has a low sensitivity for low STH infection intensities, hookworm eggs disappear after one hour and samples and slides for hookworm cannot be stored [11–13].

How do you do Kato Katz?

The principle behind the Kato-Katz technique is straightforward: people infected with STH or intestinal schistosomes pass the eggs of the worms through their faeces. By examining a stool sample under a microscope it is possible to count the number and the type of eggs that are present.

Which is more accurate Kato Katz or Kato thick?

Compared to thick smear, the sensitivity of the Kato-Katz method was 68.2% for T. trichiura, 70.8% for A. lumbricoides and 1.4% for hookworm, and the specificity was 60.2 % for T. In addition, McNemar’s test indicated that direct examination was more likely to correctly identify T.

What is the role of glycerin in Kato Katz?

The glycerin, in the malachite green in Kato Katz’s technique, functions as a clearing agent while the malachite green besides being a dye, is bactericidal 2,3.

When do you use Kato Katz?

The Kato-Katz technique is a widespread tool in intestinal helminth epidemiological surveys. It is used in monitoring and evaluation programmes to investigate the prevalence and geographical distribution of soil-transmitted helminth and Schistosoma mansoni infections – determining the WHO treatment strategy to be used.

What parasite can best be recovered by Kato Katz method?

Helminthic Diseases: Intestinal Nematode Infections The cellophane fecal thick smear (Kato-Katz technique) for parasite eggs (or larvae in the case of S. stercoralis) remains the best option for diagnosis of STH infections.

What is the purpose of glycerin in Kato Katz?

What parasites can best be recovered by Kato Katz method?

Unfortunately, methods to detect parasite eggs or larvae in stool samples lack sensitivity, particularly when infection intensities are low. The most widely used method for the diagnosis of S. mansoni, hookworm, roundworm and whipworm in epidemiological surveys is the Kato-Katz technique.

What parasites can be best recovered by Kato Katz method?

Does Kato Katz diagnose protozoan cysts?

The classical Kato-Katz method performed best for the diagnosis of common helminth infections, especially in combination with direct examination. For the diagnosis of protozoa, both trophozoites and cysts, the direct slide examination was superior to the glass coverslip technique.

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