What is a VA Form 21 0966?

What is a VA Form 21 0966?

VA Form 21-0966 is an Intent To File A Claim For Compensation And/ Or Pension, Survivors Pension, or Other Benefits. As the instructions state, the Intent to File form is used to notify the VA of your intent to file for benefits.

Why did the VA send me Form 21 0538?

VA Form 21-0538 is used to request certification of the status of dependents for whom additional compensation is being paid to veterans. Without this information, continued entitlement to the benefits for dependents could not be determined.

What is VA Form 21 22a used for?

A VA Form 21-22a is known as an Appointment of Individual as Claimant’s Representative form. It will be used by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. This form is necessary to recognize someone as a representative of a veteran who has a claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

What does inactive intent to file mean?

The date that the VA receives your intent to file for each specific benefit will be protected as the effective date for the benefit that you applied. Thus, you can not file for two claims simultaneously for the same benefit category. Once a completed claim is filed, the intent to file for that claim becomes inactive.

Where do I mail Form 21 0966?

Paul VA Regional Office. Mail forms to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Claims Intake Center (Attention: Philadelphia Pension Center) PO Box 5206, Janesville, Wisconsin 53547-5206.

Is va back pay from intent to file?

You will receive about 11 months of back pay because of your Intent to File. The Intent to File process allows veterans to be compensated while preparing the best application they can to communicate the service-connected disabilities that have resulted from their military service.

Does the VA do power of attorney?

VA Form 10-0137 allows a veteran to select a representative to serve as a power of attorney for health care and a living will. A durable power of attorney usually must be signed and notarized, as well as specified as being durable; it will continue to be in effect in the event the principal becomes incapacitated.

How do I remove my VA representative?

Write a statement using VA form 21-4138 — www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/vba-21-4138-are.pdf — to indicate you no longer want to be represented by your current veterans service organization or individual. Submit a copy of the statement by mail or hand delivery to both VA and your current representative.

Does VA back pay go from intent to file?

How long does it take for the VA to back pay you?

How long does it take receive my back pay? The VA usually issues the back pay check within 3 months after the claim is finalized.

When do I need to use VA Form 21-0966?

Use VA Form 21-0966 if you’re still gathering information to support your claim, and want to start the filing process. Submitting an intent to file can secure the earliest possible effective date for any retroactive payments you may be eligible to receive.

Why is the intent to file Form 21-0966 important?

In theory, VA Form 21-0966 should allow Department of Veterans Affairs scanners to recognize, process, and sort the request for an earlier effective date. This advance should result in faster awards and less frustration for everyone involved. I believe the new Intent to File rule is a step forward for the VA and claimants.

What is the intent to file Form for the VA?

The new Department of Veterans Affairs, built on a foundation of efficiency and pro-claimant policies, prefers your claims on a standardized, easy to classify form. Replacing the informal claim is VA Form 21-0966. VA Form 21-0966 is an Intent To File A Claim For Compensation And/ Or Pension, Survivors Pension, or Other Benefits.

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