What does DH stand for on babycenter?

What does DH stand for on babycenter?


Acronym What they mean
DH dear husband
DP dear partner
DPO days past ovulation
DS dear son

What does TTM mean pregnancy?

Background. The transtheoretical model (TTM) has been successful in promoting health behavioral change in the general population. However, there is a scant knowledge about physical activity in relation to the TTM during pregnancy.

What is CP babycenter?

Common fertility abbreviations and acronyms

Acronym What it means
CD Cycle day (where the first day of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period)
CM Cervical mucus
CP Chemical pregnancy
DD Dear/darling daughter

What does DD stand for in parenting?

Dear Daughter
DD ( Parenting Acronym) The DD Acronym is a parenting term of endearment used to reference a child. Within blogs, forums, and groups, “DD” commonly stands for “Dear Daughter”. It’s important to note that this short abbreviatory phrase is used as a terms of affection, rather than a salutation in a letter or email.

What is DD and DH?

In Internet slang, DH is an abbreviation for dear husband; it is commonly used by women on certain forums to refer to their husbands. Similarly, DD means dear daughter and DS means dear son.

What is BFN?

BFN means “Bye For Now.” Of note, “Bye For Now” can also be abbreviated as B4N.

What does MMC stand for miscarriage?

Alan Copperman. A missed miscarriage, also known as a missed abortion or a silent miscarriage, occurs when a fetus is no longer alive, but the body does not recognize the pregnancy loss or expel the pregnancy tissue.

What BFP means?

BFP – Big Fat Positive A positive pregnancy test.

What does DDD mean?


Acronym Definition
DDD Don’t Do Drugs
DDD Desired Due Date
DDD Drop Dead Date
DDD Defense Distribution Depot

What does dh and ds mean?

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