How big is the Delta Flyer in Voyager?

How big is the Delta Flyer in Voyager?

21 meters long
The Flyer-class shuttle was 21 meters long, 12.2 meters wide, and 5.3 meters high. Its normal cruising speed was warp 6, while its maximum cruising speed was warp 7.2. It had a standard mission duration of ten days. USS Voyager’s shuttles of the class were the Delta Flyer and the Delta Flyer II.

Was the Delta Flyer destroyed?

The Delta Flyer’s first mission was to retrieve an advanced multispatial probe from within a gas giant, before it fell into Malon hands. The Flyer was a crucial extension of the U.S.S. Voyager’s capabilities for almost two years, until it was destroyed in late 2376, during an assault upon a Borg cube.

Why did Voyager never use the Aeroshuttle?

Test shots were created depicting the launch of the Aeroshuttle from Voyager. The launch scene was never used on screen because the producers did not want to trump the similar launch sequence of the captain’s yacht Cousteau from Star Trek: Insurrection.

Who designed the Delta Flyer?

The Delta Flyer was designed by Rich Sternbach, and exterior views were rendered by computer graphics by Foundation Imaging. This episode originally aired on UPN on October 28, 1998.

Where is the Delta Quadrant?

The Delta Quadrant is the farthest quadrant of the Milky Way from the Alpha Quadrant. It would be located between 12 and 3 o’clock positions if the plane of the galaxy were seen as a clock face with the 6 o’clock position bisecting the Sol system.

How big is a Star Trek runabout?

23.1 metres
The Deep Space Nine Technical Manual gives the runabout’s dimensions as 23.1 metres (76 ft) long, 13.7 metres (45 ft) wide, and 5.4 metres (18 ft) high. The runabouts have a two-person flight crew, and can carry two other crew. They are fitted with a two-person transporter and accommodation bunks for long missions.

Where did the Delta Flyer come from?

The Delta Flyer was a specially-designed Federation shuttlecraft which was constructed by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2375, during that starship’s long voyage in the Delta Quadrant.

When was the Delta Flyer introduced in Voyager?

The Delta Flyer was a specially-designed Federation shuttlecraft which was constructed by the crew of the USS Voyager in 2375, during that starship’s long voyage in the Delta Quadrant.

Does USS Voyager have a Captains yacht?

It is a distinctive smallcraft attached to the underside of the USS Voyager’s saucer section, in much the same way the captain’s yacht is on the USS Enterprise-E. Although like the D’s yacht in TNG, it has the curious distinction of quietly appearing in every single episode of Voyager, docked to the ship.

What episode of Star Trek Voyager is the Delta Flyer?

Extreme Risk
Extreme Risk (Star Trek: Voyager)

“Extreme Risk”
Star Trek: Voyager episode
Episode no. Season 5 Episode 3
Directed by Cliff Bole
Written by Kenneth Biller

What episode of Star Trek Voyager is the Delta Flyer built?

Extreme Risk. B’Elanna Torres secretly participates in several dangerous holodeck programs. The Voyager crew works around the clock to build the Delta Flyer, hoping to beat the Malon in retrieving a lost …

Is there a Delta Flyer in Star Trek?

In the MMORPG Star Trek Online, Delta Flyer -type shuttles are known as the Delta -class. The original Delta Flyer herself made a brief appearance in Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force .

What was the size of a Delta Flyer?

The Flyer -class shuttle was 21 meters long, 12.2 meters wide, and 5.3 meters high. Its normal cruising speed was warp 6, while its maximum cruising speed was warp 7.2. It had a standard mission duration of ten days. USS Voyager ’s shuttles of the class were the Delta Flyer and the Delta Flyer II .

What kind of technology does the Delta Flyer have?

In the 25th-century timeline of Star Trek Online, Starfleet has officially adopted the Delta Flyer ‘s design as the Delta -class shuttlecraft. The Delta -class shuttles are equipped with phaser beam arrays, transphasic torpedo technology, and tachyon beams to damage enemy shields.

How did the Delta Flyer get back to Voyager?

Following a brainstorming session with Paris, Tuvok, Seven of Nine, Harry Kim, and B’Elanna Torres, the design of the Delta Flyer was finalized, and construction of the ship rushed. The Delta Flyer ‘s mission was successful, despite a hull breach, and the probe was safely returned to Voyager. ( VOY episode: ” Extreme Risk “)

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