What is a calling-on signal?

What is a calling-on signal?

A ‘calling-on’ signal authorises the driver to proceed forward cautiously and indicates that the line towards the next stop signal (or buffer stop where there is no main signal in advance) may be occupied. There were numerous different designs of calling-on signal [4.3 – 4.23].

What is the use of calling-on signal?

Calling-on signals A calling-on signal is used to allow a loco or train to move into a block section or a track within station limits, which is or may be already be occupied by another train or loco.

What is an outer home signal?

Lower quadrant semaphore signals with square‑ended arms are home, outer home, starting, or home/starting signals. Running signals, except for distant signals that cannot show STOP, are used to protect the block ahead.

What does a green signal mean for a train driver?

Green – Clear. The train may proceed subject to any speed restrictions applying to the section of line or to the train itself. The driver must prepare to stop the train at the next signal. Flashing yellow – warns that a lower-speed diverging route is set, at a high speed turnout. Red – Danger/Stop.

Does Signal show your phone number?

People who already know your number and already have you in their contacts see that they can contact you on Signal. Nothing is sent to them by your Signal app or the Signal service. They just see a number they know is registered.

What does a double yellow Signal mean?

Preliminary Caution
A double yellow aspect (Preliminary Caution) tells the driver that two signals ahead their route is not clear and they must slow down in preparation to stop at the red signal.

What is signal failure?

Signalling failure refers to various things that go wrong, causing a train to be held up at a red signal. A stationary train quickly creates knock-on delays and, with the rail network busier than ever, the knock-on delay can be significant.

Which indication of hand signal by yellow light is?

Main signal yellow lit with right hand junction indicator lit. Indicates – RIGHT HAND DIVERSION. (1) The Stop signals which control the movement of trains approaching a station are of three kinds, namely – Outer, Home and Routing signals.

What does a yellow train signal mean?

Red means stop; green means proceed, and yellow means caution or approach, usually indicating that the next signal is red. For other aspects, the general principle is that green on top means main route or normal speed, and red over green or yellow indicates diverging route or medium speed.

What does a double yellow signal mean for driver?

A double yellow aspect (Preliminary Caution) tells the driver that two signals ahead their route is not clear and they must slow down in preparation to stop at the red signal. The next aspect will always be yellow unless it changes as more of the train’s route is clear.

How to contact the NSW Department of customer service?

Contact us 1 Email. Email us to submit an enquiry, feedback or suggestion to the Department of Customer Service. 2 Phone. Call us on 13 77 88 from Monday to Friday between 7:00am and 7:00pm (Sydney time). 3 Media enquiries. 4 In person. 5 Mail

Where are double light signals used in NSW?

For an authoritative description of signalling in NSW see the RailCorp RailSafe website , and in particular refer to Rule NSG 606 . Double light signals are used mainly in the area where suburban and inter-urban passenger trains are used.

Why do they use stop and clear signals in Sydney?

Giving the driver an indication of the following signal allows closer and more efficient running of trains in the busy CityRail network. Often only a subset of these signals are used. In much of Sydney you will only see STOP, CAUTION and CLEAR aspects.

Can a person see a signal on a cell phone?

Signal messages and calls are always end-to-end encrypted and painstakingly engineered to keep your communication safe. We can’t read your messages or see your calls, and no one else can either.

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