What are HLA transgenic mice?

What are HLA transgenic mice?

Transgenic mice that express human HLA molecules represent a unique in vivo experimental model for evaluating human immune system function. These models have been used to study the role of the human class I or class II restricted T cell repertoire in autoimmune disease, infectious disease, and vaccine development.

How do you get transgenic mice?

To generate a transgenic mouse, microinjection of DNA or infection with a viral vector containing the gene construct can be used to insert the gene of interest into a zygote or into embryonic stem cells. Non-homologous recombination incorporates this DNA randomly into the mouse genome.

Do mice have HLA?

The H-2Db and mouse β2-microglobulin genes have been disrupted. Thus, HHD mice are capable of HLA A*0201-restricted CTL responses, but not H-2-restricted CTL responses. Founder mice from both lines were derived by Caesarean section, and all mice were housed under specific pathogen-free conditions.

What are transgenic mice used for?

Genetically modified mice are used extensively in research as models of human disease. Mice are a useful model for genetic manipulation and research, as their tissues and organs are similar to that of a human and they carry virtually all the same genes that operate in humans.

What are HHD mice?

1 transgenic mice (HHD) represent a valuable model to study and predict the immunogenicity of vaccines against pathogens. However, HHD mice are unsuitable for in vivo studies of cancer vaccines against human tumor-associated antigens because they lack T-cell tolerance that is key to define the potency of the treatment.

How long does it take to generate transgenic mice?

Random DNA Insertion: With DNA transgenesis technology, our microinjection experts inject the DNA vector designed and prepared by your lab or our industry partners directly into the pronuclei of zygotes, effectively bringing your transgenic mouse models to life with founders available in as few as three to four months.

How long does it take to make transgenic mice?

This process can be challenging as the DNA vector is larger than most researchers typically use and it is vital that no unwanted mutations be introduced. Analysis of the target gene and vector creation is usually completed in ~6 weeks.

Why is transgenic important?

Transgenesis allows improvement of nutrients in animal products, including their quantity, the quality of the whole food, and specific nutritional composition. Transgenic technology could provide a means of transferring or increasing nutritionally beneficial traits.

How long do transgenic mice live?

6 to 8 months
In contrast, transgenic mice heterozygous for a mutated gene generally have been underutilized, and one often sees the comment that the heterozygous transgenic mice are “normal,” which in reality means that the mice live to adulthood (6 to 8 months of age) and are fertile, producing viable offspring.

How is HLA-A * 11 : 01 confirmed in transgenic mice?

Expression of HLA-A*11:01 in transgenic mice was confirmed by staining with anti-HLA-A*11 antibody (One Lambda). All mouse studies were approved by the NCI Animal Care and Use Committee.

What kind of mouse is used to study HLA?

A representative mouse model, the HLA-A11 transgenic mouse, has been generated and used to study HLA-A11 antigen presentation and related CTL responses 5.

Is the hla-a11-restricted CTL response a murine response?

The HLA-A11-restricted CTL response was directed at HLA immunodominant epitopes. These mice represent a versatile animal model for studying the immunogenicity of HLA CTL epitopes in the absence of a murine MHC response.

How are HLA class I molecules used in the immune system?

Human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-I) molecules that present antigenic peptides to CD8 + T cells and trigger the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response are essential for the human immune system to combat viral infections and clear transformed tumor cells 1, 2.

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