What is CPT Q9965?

What is CPT Q9965?

HCPCS Code for Low osmolar contrast material, 100-199 mg/ml iodine concentration, per ml Q9965.

What is the CPT code for ondansetron?

HCPCS Code Details – J2405

HCPCS Level II Code Drugs administered other than oral method, chemotherapy drugs Search
HCPCS Code J2405
Description Long description: Injection, ondansetron hydrochloride, per 1 mg Short description: Ondansetron hcl injection
HCPCS Modifier1
HCPCS Pricing indicator 51 – Drugs

What is A9502 used for?

A9502 is the code for supplies provided by an ambulance service.

What is J1040?

J1040 – Injection, methylprednisolone acetate, 80 mg.

What is low osmolar?

Low osmolar contrast media (LOCM) have undergone further evolution with increased hydroxyl groups replacing carboxyl groups for additional solubility in water. The lower osmolality and increased solubility in water lowers LOCM toxicity.

What is CPT code J2704?

HCPCS Code for Injection, propofol, 10 mg J2704.

How do I bill my A9500?

A9500 represents Technetium tc-99m sestamibi, diagnostic. This is a per study dose and should be billed for 2 units. If sestamibi is used, bill NDC code 65857-0500-05.

What is CPT A9503?

HCPCS code A9503 for Technetium Tc-99m medronate, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 30 millicuries as maintained by CMS falls under Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals .

What is the difference between CPT and HCPCS?

CPT is a code set to describe medical, surgical ,and diagnostic services; HCPCS are codes based on the CPT to provide standardized coding when healthcare is delivered.

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