What is the opening gag of the Simpsons?

What is the opening gag of the Simpsons?

The Simpsons run in and find an identical Simpsons family on the couch. (This one is frequently used as the opening couch gag on syndicated versions of Simpsons episodes from seasons one to five.) The Simpsons are zombies who break through the floor and groan as they sit on the couch.

Who is sitting on the couch in the Simpsons?

The Simpsons sit, and the couch opens into a bed, flinging the family into the air and landing on it. Everyone except Maggie sit on the couch. Maggie then peeks out of Marge’s hair, sucking happily on her pacifier. The Simpsons, along with Snowball ll and Santa’s Little Helper, sit on the couch.

Where was the Fox screen bug on the Simpsons?

The Simpsons sit on the couch just as a translucent Fox screen bug appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Homer notices it, gets up from the couch, peels it off, and stomps on it, with the family joining him, before returning to the couch.

Who are the secondary characters in the Simpsons?

The family is shrunken and climbs the “giant” couch. The Simpsons sit down, followed by three rows of secondary characters (such as Kent Brockman, Apu, Krusty, Principal Skinner, Marge’s mother Jackie, Mr. Burns, Smithers, a black-haired Princess Kashmir, Nelson, Milhouse, Martin, and Mrs. Krabappel) who obstruct the family’s view.

What kind of game does The Simpsons play on the couch?

The couch is a giant Whack-A-Mole game, with the Simpson family as the moles. The clown hallucination music from “Homie the Clown” plays as an unseen player tries to hit one of the Simpson moles and successfully gets Homer.

How did Grampa fall asleep on the couch?

Grampa is asleep on the couch and is startled awake when the family comes in. Homer tips the couch over on its side with everyone except Maggie, who ends up on a fallen couch cushion. The family comes in and finds the couch missing.

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