What is figure of merit for galvanometer?

What is figure of merit for galvanometer?

When a coil carrying current I is placed in a radial magnetic field, the coil experiences a deflection θ which is related to I as I = kθ, where k is a constant of proportionality and is termed as figure of merit of the galvanometer.

What is use of mirror in galvanometer?

A mirror galvanometer is an ammeter that is used to detect an electric current by deflecting a light beam with a mirror. Deflection a light beam takes place when the beam of light is projected on a mirror. The mirror galvanometer scale acts as a long massless pointer to indicate the deflection.

What is objective of figure of merit galvanometer characteristics experiment?

To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of merit.

What do you mean by merit of galvanometer?

The figure of merit of a galvanometer can be defined as a current required to produce unit deflection in the galvanometer scale. The figure of merit is denoted by the symbol k.

What is the value of figure of merit?

A figure of merit is a quantity used to characterize the performance of a device, system or method, relative to its alternatives. In engineering, figures of merit are often defined for particular materials or devices in order to determine their relative utility for an application.

What is figure of merit of a galvanometer Class 12?

Figure of merit of a galvanometer is the reciprocal of current sensitivity. The resistance of the coil of the galvanometer is called the resistance of the galvanometer. Galvanometer deflection is proportional to the amount of current passed through it.

How do Galvos work?

When it comes to laser, Galvo systems use mirror technology to move the laser beam in different directions by rotating and adjusting mirror angles within the boundaries of a work area. Galvo lasers are ideal for using fast speed and intricate fine detailed marking and engraving.

Which mirror is used in galvanometer scale?

Why concave mirror is used in moving coil galvanometer? – Brainly.in.

What is the formula for figure of merit?

We can find the figure of merit of the galvanometer by using the equation, k= E/(R+G)θ.

What is the significance of figure of merit?

How is figure of merit calculated?

Figure of merit of the galvanometer : Record the observations in a tabular column. Repeat the experiment by changing the value of R and note the galvanometer deflection each time. We can find the figure of merit of the galvanometer by using the equation, k= E/(R+G)θ.

What is figure of merit equal to?

6.1 Definition of figure of merit A figure of merit is a quantity used to characterize the performance of a device, system or method, relative to its alternatives. In engineering, figures of merit are often defined for particular materials or devices in order to determine their relative utility for an application.

What is the figure of Merit of a galvanometer?

Figure of merit of a galvanometer is the reciprocal of current sensitivity. The resistance of the coil of the galvanometer is called the resistance of the galvanometer. Galvanometer deflection is proportional to the amount of current passed through it. Galvanometer has positive and negative terminals.

How is a resistance of 900ω related to a galvanometer?

A resistance of 900Ω is connected in series with a galvanometer of resistance 100Ω. A potential difference of 1 V produces 100 division deflections in the galvanometer. Find the figure of merit of the galvanometer?

What is the sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer?

The general definition of the sensitivity experienced by a moving coil galvanometer is given as the ratio of change in deflection of the galvanometer to the change in current in the coil. The sensitivity of a galvanometer is higher if the instrument shows larger deflection for a small value of current.

How is the deflection of a galvanometer determined?

The quantity nAB / k is a constant for a given galvanometer. Hence it is understood that the deflection that occurs the galvanometer is directly proportional to the current that flows through it. Solved question: What is the purpose of introducing a cylindrical soft iron core inside the moving coil galvanometer?

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