What is photonic crystal ring resonator?

What is photonic crystal ring resonator?

Photonic Crystals are periodic nanostructures that are designed to affect the motion of photons in the same way as the periodic potential in a semiconductor crystal affects the electron motion by defining allowed and forbidden electronic energy bands [1, 2].

How does a ring resonator work?

In general a ring resonator consists of a looped optical waveguide and a coupling mechanism to access the loop. When the waves in the loop build up a round trip phase shift that equals an integer times 2π, the waves interfere constructively and the cavity is in resonance.

What is photonic resonance?

Photonic ring resonance is a property of light where in certain circumstances specific wavelengths are trapped in a ring resonator. Sensors based on silicon photonic ring resonators function by detecting the interaction between light circulating inside the sensor and matter deposited on the sensor surface.

What is the use of ring resonator?

Similarly, ring resonators are used for optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). Here, one typically uses a resonance for either the signal light or for the idler wave. In some cases, one realizes a doubly resonant OPO, where both signal and idler are resonant.

What is add/drop filter?

The add drop filter (ADF) is one of the most significant devices for coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) systems to add and/or drop a required channel individually from multiplexed output channels without disturbing other channels.

How cavity resonator is formed?

The simplest cavity resonator is formed by using a transmission line. The source end can be terminated by ZS and the load end can be terminated by ZL. When ZS and ZL are non- dissipative, such as when they are reactive loads (capacitive or inductive), then no energy is dissipitated as a wave is reflected off them.

What are ring resonators made of?

Researchers at MIT and Singapore University of Technology (SUTD) have demonstrated a micro ring resonator made of amorphous silicon carbide with the highest quality factor to date. The resonator shows promise to be used as an on-chip photonic light source at the infrared telecom wavelength of 1,550 nanometers.

What are photonic crystals used for?

Photonic crystals are periodic dielectric structures that are designed to form the energy band structure for photons, which either allows or forbids the propagation of electromagnetic waves of certain frequency ranges, making them ideal for light-harvesting applications (Maka et al., 2003).

What is photonic crystal cavity?

Photonic crystal cavities increase temporal confinement of light in a material, as represented by their high quality factor, while plasmonic structures increase spatial confinement, as represented by their low mode volume.

What is the difference between DWDM and CWDM?

CWDM has a wider channel spacing than DWDM — the nominal difference in frequency or wavelength between two adjacent optical channels. DWDM systems, on the other hand, can carry 40, 80, 96 or up to 160 wavelengths by utilizing a much narrower spacing 0.8/0.4 nm (100 GHz/50 GHz grid).

What are the types of resonators?

The types of available resonators include coaxial, dielectric, crystal, ceramic, surface acoustic wave (SAW), and yttrium iron garnet (YIG). Given this variety, it is essential for designers to understand the characteristics of the various resonators.

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