What is smart campaign certification?

What is smart campaign certification?

Smart Campaign Certification is an independent, third party evaluation to publicly recognize financial institutions that meet adequate standards of care in how they treat their clients. It enables financial institutions to demonstrate adherence to the industry’s Client Protection Principles.

What is smart campaign in microfinance?

About the Smart Campaign By providing microfinance institutions with the tools and resources they need to deliver transparent, respectful, and prudent financial services to all clients, the Smart Campaign is helping the industry maintain a dual focus on improving clients’ lives while attaining financial sustainability.

What is included in client protection?

The Principles of Client Protection. Responsible financial inclusion gives clients a way to address their complaints so they can be served more effectively. Responsible financial inclusion ensures client data remains private. Responsible financial inclusion protects clients, businesses, and the industry as a whole.

What is client protection principle?

The client protection principles articulate the standard of care that clients should expect to receive when doing business with financial service providers.

What is the difference between a smart campaign and a search campaign?

Long story short, a Smart Campaign is all about giving Google control to interpret your business and automatically find people who might be interested in your products/services. Search Campaigns have more control and power, but require more technical knowledge and planning to set up.

What is CGT in microfinance?

MFIs spend a lot of time educating their borrowers through a well-defined CGT (Continuous Group Training) and GRT (Group Recognition Test) process before a loan is sanctioned and disbursed.

What is over due in microfinance?

If the scheduled installment is not paid up in time, the amount of the installment is known as current outstanding and the total loan amount along with service charge is not paid up within the stipulated time is called the overdue loan.

How do I talk to a banker?

Look the banker in the eye. Answer his or her questions. If you don’t know, write down the question and say, “I will get back to you.” Don’t whine or complain or beg. If the banker says no to your loan request, you have a right to know why, but then say, “Thanks for your time,” and move on to the next bank.

Is Smart campaign Good?

Google Smart Campaigns can save you a lot of time and money. Better yet, they drive better results thanks to the AI and automation that guides your creative, bidding, and targeting. Studies suggest that PPC advertisers who use Smart campaigns on the Display network generate a 20% increase in conversion rates.

Do smart campaigns have ad groups?

Smart campaigns can be set quickly and you’ll have ads up and running in as little as 15 minutes. This can be a significant difference when setting up multiple campaigns – and managing ads, ad groups, and keywords in a search campaign can be time-consuming and frustrating.

What is Luc in MicroFinance?

LUC Full Form is labor utilization code.

What is the difference between SHG and JLG?

SHG vs JLG SHG is primarily a saving oriented group in which borrowing power is determined based on its saving. However, JLG is a credit oriented group which is primarily formed to avail loan from banks or formal credit institutions.

What do you need to know about the Smart Campaign?

The Smart Campaign. Keeping clients first in financial inclusion. As the world’s first financial consumer protection standard, the Smart Campaign maintains a rigorous certification program, elevates the client voice, and convenes partners to effect change at the national level.

Is the Smart Campaign part of the usspm?

The Smart Campaign’s Client Protection Standards are integrated into the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management (USSPM) managed by SPTF and continue to guide financial service providers to implement better consumer protection practices.

How many people are served by Smart certification?

Smart certified organizations collectively serve more than 45 million people across the globe. 96% of certified financial institutons surveyed indicated the Smart Certification helped their organization better prioritize client protection.

When did the Smart Campaign for digital credit start?

These efforts culminated in updated industry guidance and the Client Protection Standards for Digital Credit. In addition to research and standards initiatives, the Smart Campaign launched the Smart Certification program in 2013.

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