What is an example of onomatopoeia in poetry?

What is an example of onomatopoeia in poetry?

Words like “slurp,” “bang,” and “crash” are also onomatopoeia words. Even some ordinary words like “whisper” and “jingling” are considered onomatopoeia because when we speak them out loud, they make a sound that is similar to the noise that they describe.

How do you spell the sound a guitar makes?

tight,dry,punchy,mellow,ringing,warm,boomy,woody,m ature,clean,shimmer, complex,dark,muddy,refined,full,rich,fat,crisp,art iculate,lyrical,throaty, countless more you can add.

Which is an example of the use of onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia is when a word’s pronunciation imitates its sound. When you say an onomatopoeic word, the utterance itself is reminiscent of the sound to which the word refers. Poets use onomatopoeia to access the reader’s auditory sense and create rich soundscapes.

How are benzimidazoles used in the treatment of nematode?

The benzimidazoles are a large chemical family used to treat nematode and trematode infections in domestic animals. They also have limited activity against cestodes. However, with the widespread development of resistance and the availability of more efficient and easier to administer compounds, their use has decreased in ruminants.

How is benzimidazole produced in a condensation?

Benzimidazole is produced by condensation of o-phenylenediamine with formic acid, or the equivalent trimethyl orthoformate : C 6 H 4 (NH 2) 2 + HC (OCH 3) 3 → C 6 H 4 N (NH)CH + 3 CH 3 OH 2-substituted derivatives are obtained when the condensation is conducted with aldehydes in place of formic acid, followed by oxidation.

When does Caliban use onomatopoeia in the Tempest?

Onomatopoeia in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. In Act 3, Scene 3 of The Tempest, Caliban uses onomatopoeia to convey the noises of the island. Note that “twangling” is a real word (it’s a less common form of the verb “twang”), so both examples in the lines below are conventional onomatopoeia.

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