What are some puzzling questions?

What are some puzzling questions?

23 Questions In Life You Just Cannot Answer

  • How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
  • Should you do the right things or should you do things right?
  • Are eyebrows facial hair?
  • At a movie theater, which arm rest is yours?

How does a dog cross a river without getting wet?

The answer to How does a dog cross a river without getting wet? Riddle is “When the river is frozen.”

What is unique about this number 8549176320?

Answer: It has each number, zero through nine, listed in alphabetical order.

What are some tricky questions to ask?

125 Trick Questions

  • What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?
  • What is always coming but never arrives?
  • What gets wetter the more it dries?
  • What can be broken but never held?
  • What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?
  • What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?

What kind of cheese is made backward?

Edam: the only cheese Made backwards.

What is better than smells?

Answer to the riddle is a coat of paint ! Hahahah!

How does a brain teaser question work for kids?

But brain teaser questions work in a lot of the same ways. They are a great way to stay mentally sharp and challenge yourself. Share these with your kids and you will have a fun time while also getting a brain workout.

What kind of puzzle is a brain teaser?

See how many of these tricky puzzles for adults and teens you can figure out—without cheating! Brain teasers are more than just simple puzzles and riddles. Technically, a brain teaser is a type of puzzle or brain game, often involving lateral thinking.

How tall is Tom from the brainteasers?

You may also check out some of the tricky questions and answers that we posted a while ago. It’s time to put your thinking caps on and have fun. Kudos! Put your grey cells to work with these awesome brainteasers ! Tom’s height is six feet, he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size 9 shoes.

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