Can you ring NHS Direct just for advice?

Can you ring NHS Direct just for advice?

111 is a new telephone service brought to you by the NHS. It is the number you should call when you need advice or medical treatment quickly, and you cannot wait for an appointment to see your doctor. If you need emergency medical treatment, you must call 999.

Can I ask 111 for advice?

NHS 111 is here to make it easier and quicker for patients to get the right advice or treatment they need, be that for their physical or mental health. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To get help from NHS 111, you can: Go online to (for assessment of people aged 5 and over only).

What is NHS Direct used for?

NHS Direct was launched in 1998, as a means of extending public access to healthcare services, to relieve pressure on GPs and accident and emergency departments, and to iron out regional inequalities in service provision.

Is NHS 111 free?

NHS 111 is a free number to call when you have an urgent healthcare need that isn’t a life-threatening situation. Following a short assessment NHS 111 will direct you to the right service, at the right time and as close to your home as possible.

What’s the difference between 111 and 999?

999 is for emergencies and 111 is for non-emergencies.

Who do you phone for medical advice?

NHS 111 is a free number to call when you have an urgent healthcare need that isn’t a life-threatening situation.

How does NHS Direct work?

As well as these core services, NHS Direct provided a number of commissioned services throughout the NHS, such as specialised support for patients with long term conditions, access to GP and dental healthcare out of hours, and a professional response system for times of public health anxiety.

Does NHS charge for ambulance?

In an emergency In a medical emergency, call 999 and ask for an ambulance. You will not have to pay to be taken to hospital in an emergency. A medical emergency is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. Read about when to call 999.

Are 111 staff medically trained?

The people who take your calls at 111 have no medical training. The NHS says we always have access to a clinically-trained person we can ask for help – but in my experience that is just not the case. Frequently we had no nurse at all to help us with the life or death decisions we had to make.

What is 112 used for in UK?

999 and 112 is the national emergency response service in the UK. 112 is the pan-European equivalent to 999 and can be used in the UK.

What can you ring 101 for?

Use the non-emergency number 101 for situations that do not require an immediate police response. This will help keep 999 available for when there is an emergency, e.g. if a crime is taking place, or somebody is in immediate danger – for these types of incidents, always call 999.

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