How do I run Xdebug in NetBeans?

How do I run Xdebug in NetBeans?

Using XDEBUG in NetBeans

  1. Open your project.
  2. Debugging a Project: Right-click on the project you want to debug.
  3. Set a breakpoint by clicking on the line number in the margin.
  4. Switch to your web browser and load the page you want to debug.
  5. Click the add-on/plugin icon to enable Xdebug in your browser.

How do I download Xdebug?

Installing Xdebug on a PHP Web Server To install Xdebug: Download Xdebug from Xdebug Downloads page. To find out which version of the extension to download, click here. If you are using Zend Server, disable the Zend Debugger (If not, skip to step 3).

How do I enable Xdebug?

3 Answers

  1. Download the latest version here.
  2. Unpack the downloaded file with tar -xvzf xdebug-2.2.1.tgz.
  3. Run cd xdebug-2.2.1.
  4. Run phpize.
  5. Run ./configure.
  6. Run make.
  7. Run sudo cp modules/ /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626.
  8. Restart the web server with sudo apachectl restart.

How do I know if Xdebug is installed?

Given that, you can confirm that xDebug is installed and in place by trying the following:

  1. phpinfo() — this will show you all the extensions that are loaded, including xDebug.
  2. If that isn’t good enough for you, you can try using the var_dump() function.
  3. xDebug modifies PHP’s error output.

Why debugging is not working in NetBeans?

When this happens on my environment these are the steps I take: Close your IDE. Clean and recompile your code using your desired build tool (Maven, Gradle…) Open your IDE again, and rebuild (or clean and compile) the project using the built-in IDE tools.

Where is XDebug located?

First you need to find the location of the file on your server. Copy the location somewhere as you will use it later on. Now you need to navigate inside your server to a location: /etc/php5/apache2/conf. d/ and check if the file 20-xdebug.

Where is XDebug ini file?

For Mac OS X ini” file so that XDebug runs when Apache is started. To do this, open up the php. ini file, located at “/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/php. ini”.

How do I debug using xdebug?

How To Debug the code using Xdebug

  1. Go to any .
  2. Make sure that ‘Launch currently open script’ is already selected in the Debug drop-down in the top left of the debug window.
  3. Press F5 to start the debug process.
  4. You will see the debugger break at the first breakpoint.

How does xdebug remote work?

XDebug works over the protocol that requires your local machine to listen for incoming connections from a server where an application you are debugging is located. You may already have used debugging tools that simply connect to a remote server or a process of your application.

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