What is the storyline of the film the corporation?

What is the storyline of the film the corporation?

This documentary begins with an unusual detail that came from the 14th Amendment: Under constitutional law, corporations are seen as individuals. So, filmmaker Mark Achbar asks, what type of person would a corporation be? The evidence, according to such political activists as Noam Chomsky and filmmaker Michael Moore and company heads like carpet magnate Ray Anderson, points to a bad one, as the film aims to expose IBM’s Nazi ties and these large businesses’ exploitation of human rights.
The Corporation/Film synopsis

What is the main idea of the film the corporation?

Synopsis. The documentary shows the development of the contemporary business corporation, from a legal entity that originated as a government-chartered institution meant to affect specific public functions to the rise of the modern commercial institution entitled to most of the legal rights of a person.

What is the general theme of the documentary The Corporation?

The Corporation is a documentary written by Joel Bakan in 2003, which revolves around the attainment of legal status by corporate companies, which accords them the privilege of enjoying similar rights as human beings.

What is the theme of the corporation?

The central theme of this film is an examination of what we understand by ‘the corporation’ – what such a thing is, how it came to be, and how it has influenced the world we live in.

Who are the actors who play major characters in the film The Corporation?


  • Raymond L. Anderson.
  • Jane Akre.
  • Mark Barry.
  • Elain Bernard.
  • Joe Badaracco.
  • Maude Barlow.
  • Peter Drucker.
  • Elaine Bernard.

Are corporations psychopathic?

Corporate character Now consider a corporation. But when the machinery of psychology is used to judge a corporation’s moral character, it can start looking a lot like a psychopath, as law professor Joel Bakan argues in his book and film The Corporation. For a start, corporations feel no empathy, guilt or remorse.

Where was the corporation filmed?

Corporate Filming Locations Well, the makers chose a historic building in the state of California to film the tragicomedy series.

What do we call any actor in a story?

In a literal sense, all actors can be considered character actors since they all play “characters”, but in the usual sense it is an actor who plays a distinctive and important supporting role.

Who is a famous psychopath?

Ted Bundy Perhaps one of the most prolific and famous sociopaths and psychopath figures in modern history. Ted Bundy was a charming young man who was famously enchanting with women. Yet, he killed at least 30 people across the United States.

Are psychopaths CEOs?

The organizational psychopath They prefer to work at the very highest levels of their organizations, allowing them to control the greatest number of people. Psychopaths who are political leaders, managers, and CEOs fall into this category.

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